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"I can't believe this is actually happening" Starla squeals as we walk into the entrance of LAX, Abbie lands today and for the first time in years the 3 of us will be together again. "We're all going to be together again" I say excitedly. We walk to the arrivals section of the airport and look for her gate 'Flight 182 from Sydney landing now' a ladies voice speaks over the intercom. My heart begins to race as we scan the room for our friends face. Starla squeals and I follow her eyes to find a familiar face "Abbie!" We scream in unison and run towards our friend, engulfing her into a tight group hug. "I missed you guys so fucking much" Abbie says, wiping the tears from her cheeks "we've missed you too" we say pulling out of the hug "Holy fuck it's sick here" Abbie exhales. We all laugh "Lets take you home" Starla smiles, we collect Abbies luggage and head to the car "Can we stop to get iced coffee?" Abbie asks, getting into the backseat. I roll my eyes, the girls got an addiction to iced coffee "Yeah we can, but we've gotta go back to Brits apartment, Theirs some people you need to meet" Starla chirps, the positives vibes fill the car and I take a second to breathe it in. "Guys" I say, they both look to me "We did it, We all made it out" I look to them both, smiles on their faces "We really did it" Abbie says. We fall silent and continue to drive, happy to be in each others presence again. We pull into starbucks and order our drinks before heading back to my apartment. When we found out Abbie was coming me and Starla decided to introduce her to Michael. They are both quite similar and we both agreed they'd be pretty damn cute together.

We pull onto my street and hop out of the car "You live here?!" Abbie says, shock written all over her face, I laugh "Yeah I sure do" We walk up the stairs and I open the door. Ashton, Luke and Michael are waiting inside along with Andy, Miriam and Connie. Ashton walks over to me placing his arm over my shoulder "Abbie this is Ashton, Ashton this is Abbie" I smile to the both of them, Ashton holds out his hand "Hey, it's nice to meet you" Abbie shakes his hand before Starla pulls her away to introduce them to the rest of the group. Ashton pulls me in for a hug "I missed you" He smiles, placing a kiss to my forehead. I snake my arms around his waist "I missed you too" I bury my head into his chest "Come on you two" Starla yells from the living room, I laugh and pull away from him walking into the living room. I make my way to Michael "Abbie come here" I call to her, she walks over to us "This is Michael" Michael smiles and holds out his hand "Great to meet ya" she grabs his hand, staring at him "Yo-you too" She replies, a shy smile on her lips

Abbie leaves with Starla and Luke as she is staying with them until she gets the keys for her apartment. The others have left and now it's just me and Ashton "Hey babe?" Ashton calls "Yeah?" I ask, sitting beside him on the lounge "I brought you something" he says, grabbing a small bag from beside him. I look at it and grab it from his hand "What is it?" I ask, confused "Open it" I open the bag and pull out to fabric from inside. I hold it out and scan the object. It's a dark gray led zeppelin shirt, I stare at it "I remember the night we met, you said you liked them and I saw it whilst out the other day and thought you'd like it" He smiles at me. I look to him and give him a soft smile, I look back to the shirt and my body freezes and my hands begin to shake "Britney?" Ashton asks, placing a hand on my shoulder. I try to speak but I choke on my words "Britney" Ashtons voice grows worried. I look to him but still can't speak. My eyes grow heavy and my body falls numb. He wraps his arms around me and hums a soft tune. "Breathe. It's okay just breathe" He soothes, his fingers brushing through my hair. The shaking stops and my breathing slows down. Ashton grabs my hands "Britney?" He says softly "I'm okay" I reply quickly "Are you sure?" He asks, brushing the hair out of my face "Yeah" I look to him, worry written on his face. I place a soft kiss on his cheek "I'm okay" My hand raises to his cheek and he looks deep into my eyes "Thank you" I say "For the shirt, I love it" I smile at him, the worry breaks and he smiles "You're welcome" He presses a kiss to my lips "Can I stay tonight?" He asks, pressing his forehead to mine "Only if you go get dinner" I smirk, he rolls his eyes and smiles "What were you thinking?" I think for a second "Thai?" I suggest, knowing it's his favourite "Done, I'll go now" He stands up from the lounge grabbing his phone and keys "I'll be home in 45" He smiles, leaving the room.

I sit in silence for awhile before my phone rings 'Brother' appears on the screen, confused I press answer and hold the phone to my ear "Yes?" I ask "I have to tell you something, okay?" I pause "Okay?" I ask confused "Your ex boyfriend, the one from the party.." I grow worried "I was speaking to his sister earlier.." my heart sinks at the next sentence "He's in LA" I drop my phone as tears start to stream down my face. I hear my brother yell my name through the phone but I'm frozen. My body is numb and heart is pounding. I grab the phone and hold it to my ear "Does he know I'm here?" I choke out, he pauses "Yes, that's why he's there" my head spins, a whirlpool of emotions over run me "I have to go" I hang up the phone before he has the chance to answer. A range of scenarios and remedies run through my mind but only one seems clear. The pain of the memory of that night over takes me and I wonder to my bathroom. I grab the silver object from the draw underneath my sink and slide down the wall. The tears cloud my vision as I hold the blade to my wrist and slide it down my pasty skin, I watch as a line of crimson red washes over my arms and drips onto the floor. And I do it again.. And again.. And again.. until I hear my apartment door open "Britney" Ashtons voice calls out, I reach for a towel and hold it to my wrist in a desperate attempt to slow the heavy stream of blood. "Britney?" His voice grows louder. His phone rings "Star, whats up" he says "Fuck" he whispers before hanging up the phone. His voice turns into pleas "Britney" I look at the blood all over the floor before realising hiding it won't work. The door bursts open and Ashtons worried face appears "Fuck Britney" he cries falling to the floor and grabbing the towel from my hand, I look at him tears pouring down my cheeks. He grabs a bandage from the draw and wraps it around my wrist. Pulling my body into his "He's here" I choke out into his chest "I know, but it's okay. I'll protect you. You'll be okay" 

Unpredictable // A.F.IWhere stories live. Discover now