New Year

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It's been a few weeks since me and Ashton got together, Life is actually good for the first time in for forever. It's the 31st of December, meaning its new years eve. The boys flew home for Christmas and don't come back for another week leaving me and Starla to spend the day together.

"So, How are things with you and Ashton?" Star asks, crossing her legs and taking a sip from her hot chocolate. I smile, "Things are good, I miss him though" I trail off, my eyes scanning the room and landing on a framed photo of Ashton and I which he gave to me before he left. "Awh, I feel you. I miss Luke too" She frowns, following my eyes to the photo. She stands up and walks over to it taking the photo into her hands "This is so cute, when was this taken?" She looks to me, another smile forms on my lips "A few days before they left for Australia, he took me to this cafe in the middle of nowhere and insisted we take photos" I say, taking the photo from her hand. I examine the image. Ashton stands behind me, arms wrapped around my stomach as we stand in front of a mural of various band posters and neon signs. "He gave it to me the day they flew out" I place the photo back on the table and take a seat "What about you and Luke?" I ask, grabbing my hot chocolate and placing it at my lips "We're good" She smiles "I miss him, but we're good" We both frown at each other and laugh before taking a sip of our drinks.

"Are they answering?" Star asks, rushing to my side. Handing me a cocktail "No" I groan, the boys said they'd skype us but they aren't answering. We've been trying to get in contact with them for an hour now. "Luke just texted me hold on" Star says, staring at her phone. The skype ringtone fills our ears and Ashton's name appears on the screen. I press accept and Ashton's face appears, his eyes appearing heavy. "Hey, sorry baby. We just woke up" His raspy morning voice croaks out and Lukes face appears, a smile appears on Starlas face "Hey babe!" She exclaims, both boys laugh "Hey guys" I smile, taking a sip of my fruity drink "What's in like in the future" Starla laughs, staring at her boyfriends sleepy eyes "It's very exciting" Ashton replies, rubbing his eyes "We miss you guys" we pout at the boys, they both smile "We'll be home soon" Luke says. I watch Ashtons as his sleepy eyes close shut and he lets out a yawn. A smile forms across my face "Luke, facetime me. I'm going to the kitchen to make more drinks" She jumps from the bed and Luke disappears from the screen, leaving me and Ashton alone "I miss you" He speaks, his eyes trained on mine, I frown "I miss you too" His hair is a mess, his curly brown locks fall over his face and his soft pink lips form a tired smile "Do you girls have any plans for tonight?" He asks "Not really, we're just gonna sit around here. Have a few of these" I say, holding my cocktail in front of the camera "I wish I could join you" He softly smiles, I send him a sad smile "Me too" His eyes wander over my figure. I sit cross legged on my bed. Wearing one of Ashtons button up shirts which he gave to me along with the photo, and a pair of gray pj shorts "You look so beautiful" His eyes go to the shirt, he smirks "Is that my shirt?" I giggle "It might be" A bright smile appears across his lips. Starla walks in and hands me another drink, I take it from her and take a sip. I feel the cool liquid run down my throat and I feel the alcohol make its way through my system "I can't wait to see you" his smiles falls, "When do you guys land?" I ask, trying not to show him that i'm sad "3 days from now" His smile reappears "I can't wait" I grow excited, knowing I'll get to see him again very soon "Me neither baby" I've always hated pet names but god do I love it when he calls me baby. I take another sip of my drink "You better slow down on those" Ashton says giggling, I roll my eyes and put the glass down "Whatever" I say to him "I'll be back" I run into the kitchen, Starla sits on the Kitchen counter still on face time with Luke. I grab the box of pizza we ordered a little earlier and carry it back to my room. I sit back on my bed and look to my laptop screen, Ashtons nowhere to be seen "Ash?" I ask trying to spot his figure, He reappears into the frame. He's now wearing a pair of black rimmed glasses and he has a dog wrapped in his arms "This is Indie" He smiles, the small dog licks his face and he laughs "She's so cute omg" I stare in awe as he smiles down at the dog, I watch as Ashton messes around with the dog on his bed, his wide goofy smile never leaving his soft lips. "Wait, I didn't know you wore glasses?" I say, taking in the frame that sits a top of his nose "I don't like wearing them so I just don't bother. Sometimes my eyes get bad though and I really need them" He says, his eyes still fixated on Indie "As if, they're cute" I say, he turns his head to me and rolls hid eyes "I hate them" he groans, pretending to be mad "Well I love them" He smiles at me "I can't wait to introduce you to my family" He states, not looking at me "Wait, Wh-What" I stutter out. He wants me to meet his family? "My family" He says "I want you to meet them" He looks at me a smile strung on his lips "I know it hasn't been long but I'm serious about you Britney" He looks back down to the dog, which now lays across his lap "You honestly want me to meet them?" I question, Don't get me wrong. I've been in relationships before but the guys were never serious enough about me to introduce me to their families "Yes, Honestly. Why?" He looks to me, worried when he notices the distress on my face "I've just- I've never been introduced to the family before, no ones ever that serious about me" I sigh, my mind runs over all my failed relationships. Worry takes over me as I think about my relationship with Ashton failing, I don't want to lose him "Well I am Britney, you mean a lot to me and I don't plan on leaving you. Also my family is very important to me and I think its important you meet each other" A smile forms on my face and the thought of this ending escapes my mind. I check my phone to find its almost midnight, my eyes rise up to Ashtons figure. Indie has disappeared along with Ashtons shirt. "It's almost midnight" I say, His eyes wander to mine. Starla runs into my room, and Luke into Ashtons. "3..." Starla counts "2....1... Happy new year!" She squeals, she places a kiss on her phone screen, as if she was kissing Lukes cheek. Then turns to me and wraps her arm around me "Heres to us" She says, clinking her glass against mine. I look to Ashton "Happy new year"

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