The 3 of us

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My eyes flicker open, I turn to my side to find Ashton sound asleep. His chest bare, slowly rising and falling. His lips slightly parted and his curls messily draped over his eyes. I grab his shirt from the floor and roll it over my body. I stand from the bed and wander into the kitchen, turning the coffee pot on and waiting for it to finish. I pour the warm liquid into a mug and place it at my lips. An instant rush overcomes me and I close my eyes to take it in. I sit down on the couch and cross my legs together. I feel a pair of arms lean on my shoulders from behind, I smile at the contact "Goodmorning" I hum, the coffee cup pressed against my lips "Morning" He smiles, making his way to me. He sits beside me and places a hand on my thigh, my eyes look to him. A smile plastered across his lips "What?" I laugh, his hand raises to my face a brushes my hair behind my ear "I love you" he says, my cheeks flush a deep pink and I look to my feet "I love you too" I reply, taking another sip from my cup. Ashton turns the tv on and switches to the news where several stories are told. 

"Sooooo, how was it?" Starla chirps, After Ashton left Starla decided to come over and so I informed her of last nights events "Magical" I reply, a smile tugging on my lips. She laughs and shakes her head "Isn't it weird? To think we used to be so broken, just waiting for the day we finally made it out of that shitty place. We'd sit around praying this day would come and here we are, on the other side of the world. Together. It's like a dream" Star softly smiles, I nod my head thinking back to what life once was. A tear rolls down her cheek "What is it?" I ask her, "I was so scared that when I decided to stay here, permanently. You weren't going to make it out" She sighs "But you did" I smile softly at her and placed a hand on her shoulder "I wasn't going to watch you live our dream without me now was I?" She laughs "I guess not" we sit in silence for awhile as I stare out the window. I watch as the cars speed around the streets, the sky is dark today. Over run with heavy gray clouds that spray a light rain across the city. I close my eyes and take in the sound of the rain hitting my window. I lay back into my lounge as Star is sprawled across the floor and I feel my eyes grow heavy as I drift into a light sleep.

The sound of the heavy rain smacks against the car window, I look to my side where Starla sits. Eyes fixated on the drenched road, "Are we sure about this?" She asks, never looking away from the road "Of course" I reply, messing with the hem of my shirt. 

I wake up to Starla shaking me "Britney, are you okay?" I shoot up, confusion washing over me. A worried expression on Stars face "I-I had a dream, we were in a car.. I think we were running away?" I run my fingers through my hair, trying to make sense of the dream. Starla laughs "It was just a dream, We're in your apartment" I look around, taking in my surroundings and nodding my head. "I'm sorry but I have to leave, Luke needs me" She says "All good, I'll talk to you later?" I say, walking her to the door "Of course" she hugs me before walking away. I close the door and slide my hands down my face. I reach for my phone and scroll down to Michaels name, pressing the call button "Hey, what's up?" his voice echos through the phone "Are you busy?" I ask, he pauses "Not really why?" he questions, "I don't want to be alone and Ashtons busy" I chew on my lip, thinking about the dream I just had "Ok" He pauses again "I'll come round, and bring pizza?" he asks, I smile "Yeah, that'll be good" I say bye and hang up the phone. 

"Wait, so what was the dream?" Michael asks, taking a slice of pizza from the box "I dreamt that me and Starla ran away" I say "Not a big deal though. It just confused me I guess" I look down to my fingers and fiddle around with the ring placed upon my finger "Past intentions maybe? I mean you said before you moved here that all you wanted was to get out?" I nod my head, probably right "And you were talking to Ashton about that stuff weren't you? So maybe it just had you thinking about it. That happens to me alot" I smile at him, taking a slice of pizza from the box "You're probably right" I fold the pizza in my small hands as its too big to hold "Even the pizza is different here" I laugh, he nods his head "I love it, I wish the slices back home were this big" I nod my head taking a bite from the slice. I look to Michael, completely indulged in the slice of half eaten pizza in his hands when my phone rings 'Abbie' lights up the screen and I jump in excitement, I haven't spoken to her much lately. Time zones make that difficult. I press the answer button and her voice rings through the phone "Britney guess fucking what!" She almost screams through the phone "What?" I laugh "So you know how I've been saving right? For like years. To go on a cool ass holiday one day" She rambles on "Yes?" I question confused as to where the conversation was going "Well, I went into a travel agent yesterday to see what was on offer and I noticed the flights to LA are somewhat cheap these days.." The smile is visible through the phone. I lean on the edge of my seat. "And well I checked my bank account.." My heart begins to race "And?!" I yell "I'm moving to LA"

Unpredictable // A.F.IKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat