A new beginning

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I step off the plan and I'm overcome with excitement, I really fucking did it. The cool air hits my skin causing a wave of goosebumps to form on my pasty skin. I make my way down into the airport to collect my luggage, I watch as numerous suitcases of different shapes and sizes pass by on the belt before my own bags appear. I stack my bags into a trolly before making my way to the pick up spot, I reach for my phone but i'm stopped when I hear my name yelled out across the room. I turn to find Starla speeding towards me, her arms spread wide. I let go of the trolly just in time as Starla jumps at me. "Hi ohmygosh I've missed you so fucking much" I say as I wrap my arms around her, tears forming in my eyes. "I've missed you too, It's been way to long bitch" she laughs, letting go and whacking my arm wiping the tears from her eyes. "I know, it's been so crazy without you Star" I say to her with a smile, "You finally did it B, you got out of there. We did it" she almost screams, a wide smiling plastered on her face. "I can't believe i'm actually here" I stare outside in amazement as reality sinks in "Lets get you to your apartment, shall we?" Starla speaks, that smile still glued to her face. "Lets go" I smile at her, dragging my luggage trolly behind me as we make our way to her car.

We drive through the dark streets of LA, "It's so gorgeous" I say in pure amazement "Isn't it? It's nothing like Sydney is it?" Star says, looking up at the starry sky "Nothing like it" I reply, looking at the time my phone reads '5:00 pm' but the clock in the car reads '12:00 am' "The time zone difference is absolutely crazy" I laugh, Star smiles "You'll get used to it, although you might be living off coffee for awhile. It's a good thing there's plenty of starbucks around" we laugh in unison. Back home in Sydney Star, Abbie and I would take special morning trips driving into the city to find one of the very few starbucks locations. One summer, we went so many times i'm pretty sure I ordered everything off the menu at least once. I smile at the memory "We've got to head over there once it opens" I look at her, she nods her head "but first, we need to decorate your apartment. Exactly the way we planned it when we were young" she smiles, I nod and the car falls silent, a song begins to play on the radio and star turns it up "Ugh seriously, this song is so overplayed back home. It's annoying" she holds her hand to her heart. "what are you saying?! I love this song" She taps the steering wheel to the tune of the song and turns to me"Don't stooooooop, doing what you're doing" she sings "because everytime you move to the beat it gets harder for me and you know it" I shake my head laughing at her, she's always been the bubbly one of the 3. Rarely a dull moment when it came to Starla. "Can we turn it off now?" I question, she turns to me still mouthing the lyrics to the song. I roll my eyes at her and reach for the volume dial, Starla slaps my hand away and scowls at me "you know the lead singer is my boyfriend right?" I laugh, Starla always was a dreamer. "Yeah right, Isn't your boyfriend that tall, geeky guy from that aussie band? 30 Seconds to Mars or something?" She looks at me and breaks into a fit of laughter "You mean 5 Seconds of Summer?" I nod, "Yeah that one" she stares at me like i'm an idiot, "Google the song Britney" she shakes her head turning back to the road. I grab my phone and search 'Don't stop' I pause "Oh shit" I laugh "I'm a bit special" she nods her head laughing like an idiot "You haven't changed B" we both smile before falling silent again. 

We reach my new apartment and park the car "The guy who owns the building said he would leave the keys in the mailbox" I saw, Stars head appears behind a brick pile, keys in hand "catch" she through them to me and I catch them with one hand, we walk up the stairs to apartment 304, I unlock the door and I'm greeted by my new home. The floors are a dark gray like colour throughout the most of the apartment, the walls are white and the living room has a glass wall with a balcony attached. The view of the city is breathtaking. "So where do we start?" Star looks to me. "I called the furniture place you suggested, they said they'll bring everything by in the morning and my stuff from back home should already be here" I reply a smile plastered on my face. "Well it's almost 3am, what time did they say they were coming?" she walks to the balcony "6" I reply leaving my suitcases next to the door and joining her "There's a Mcdonalds not far, they do all day breakfast. You hungry?" she asks already knowing the answer "Nevermind don't answer that. Let's go" she laughs walking out the door, I follow behind locking the door behind us. 

"oh my god is that Starla Robinson?" two girls whisper to each other as we grab our food and sit down "holy shit it is" the other replies "Starla?!" the girls state walking over to us "Hi" Star says with a warm smile "Omg wh-where's luke?" the girls ask in unison "He's at home, probably sleeping" she smiles "I can tell him you said hi, what were your names?" she asks them, they both reply excitedly, before thanking her and walking away. "what the hell just happened?" I look at her, shock written all over my face. "Fans of Lukes, it happens all the time" she smiles, taking a sip from her coffee "Thats crazy ohmygod" I reply, stuffing my face with a hashbrown, the sensation of calming my stomachs hunger pains is relieving. "I've missed you so much Brit" Starla speaks, "Life's been so hectic, I've needed my best friend" she sighs, sitting back into her seat taking another sip of coffee "I know, me too. Everything changed when you left, I missed having your shoulder to cry on" I sad laugh remembering the events that took place after she moved away. "You can catch me up on everything" she smiles gesturing me to do so. 

After spending almost 3 hours sitting in the Mcdonald's dining room catching each other up on our lives we headed back to my apartment. A large truck with "5 Second Removalists" on the side was parked outside, 2 men greeted us and told us they would assist us in carrying the furniture inside. We spent the next hour carrying furniture from the truck to the apartment before the delivery men left "Now to decorate" Starla says clapping her hands together excitedly, "You can start on the bedroom and I'll do the living room" she says ushering me into my bedroom before running back to start, I open the built in wardrobe and push my suitcases inside to clear room to build my bed "Star? I need assistance" I laugh as I stare at all the loose pieces of of wood scattered along the floor, she bursts in the room and jumps straight to it, within a period of 45 minutes the bed was up and Starla rushed back into the living room to finish whatever she was doing in there. I push the bed frame up against the window and my vanity table against another wall. I walk over to the boxes of stuff from home and pulled out my sheets, pillows and wall decorations. I walk into the living room after finishing my bedroom and the bathroom to find Star lazily lying on my new couch, room fully decorated. "I'm glad you're finally here" she whispers, her eyes closed "Me too Star, me too"  

After Starla went home, I finished unpacking my suitcases. I didn't bring all of my clothes from home as a saw this as an opportunity to create a new me, also they have hot topic here and band clothes are kind of my thing. I stand still in the middle of the room and swing my head back, taking it all in. Ever since I was young I've dreamed of moving away from that shitty town and starting a life that I actually wanted and now I'm here. Even though I live here by myself, I've never felt less alone. I check my phone to find its now 12pm which means it's 5am back home. I wonder if my brothers awake. I scroll through my contacts and find his name before pressing on it "Dude wtf it's 5 in the damn morning" he answers sleepily, I laugh "well it isn't here and I wanted to let you know I survived the plane ride and my apartment is completely set up. Which now means i'm more successful than you" I laugh as I imagine the look on his face "fuck off you aren't, as if" he replies sarcastically "You're 25 and still live at home Jess, I moved across the world so yes it does" I laugh at him as he groans through the phone "Whatever sis, I'm going back to bed. Love ya" he says dragging out the a "Alright, I love you too. tell the others I love them." I said before hanging up.  I sigh in relief and fall back onto my bed. As my eyes grow heavy I drift into sleep.

I'm woken by the song despacito and the buzz of phone, I roll over not bothering to check who it it is as the ringtone makes it clear "Yes Star?" I say "Hey so we're throwing a party tonight, ya know because it's halloween and all and you need to be here" she almost screams into the phone, her excitement clear. "I have to be there?" I sigh "Yes, you don't know anyone else here in LA, it's a chance to dress up sluty I know you love doing that and there is someone I want you to meet" I groan, Star always has some kind of plan. "I promise he's cute, tall, sweet, absolutely hilarious, totally single and he loves music, similar stuff to you" she rushes out, should of known she was trying to set me up "Who is he?" I ask, "You'll see tonight. Be here at 7:30. I love you bye"  

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