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The soft hum of the city coming to life fills my ears, As I wake up I look to my left to find a sleeping Ashton. His hair a total mess and his lips slightly parted. I crawl over the blanket to where his body lays and softly shake him "Ash.. Ash wake up" I speak, his eyes flutter open and his hand comes to my face. Brushing the loose hair behind my ear, "Good morning beautiful" he smiles, his voice croaky. "Good morning" I smile down at him. He slowly sits up and gestures for me to sit beside him, I do as told and he places his arm around my shoulder pulling me into his chest "We should probably head back. I've got to meet Calum at his apartment to write a few songs. You can come if you'd like" He says, standing up "Sounds good" I say with a smile, Ashton reaches his hand down to help me up before picking up the blanket and packing the things into his car.

We drive back into the city and to Calums apartment where we are met by a smiley Calum and Alyssa, I shoot Ashton a confused look but he brushes it off. We head upstairs and the boys sit down and start messing around with their instruments "Hey, are you okay? You left us all worried after you ran out yesterday" Alyssa says, sending me a warm smile. "Yeah, I'm good now" I smile back at her. "Hey girls, wanna make us coffee" Calum yells to us, a smirk across his face, Alyssa rolls her eyes "Sure" she huffs out. We wander into the kitchen and wait for the coffee machine to work its magic. "Ashton was really worried about you yesterday, after you left. he seemed so distracted" Alyssa speaks up, I look to my feet. "He was quite excited when it was time to leave though, you wouldn't have anything to do with that would you?" She smiles at me, raising a brow "We went out last night" I laugh, taking the coffee pot from the machine and pouring it into 2 cups "Awwwhhh really?" She chimes, seeming excited "Yeah" I smile, remembering the events that took place "He talks about you a lot you know?" She grabs the milk from the refrigerator "Really" I question, he talks about me? "Never shuts up about you" She laughs, finishing up the coffees. I smile to myself as we walk into the living room and hand the boys their coffees. "I have to head off to grab a few things, but i'll be back later" Alyssa sings, placing a kiss on Calums cheek and walking for the door, confusion washing over me. Calum leaves to go to the bathroom and I turn to Ashton "Isn't Calum with Connie?" I whisper, Ashton laughs "That situation is complicated" He takes a sip from his coffee "He's with both of them, but they don't know about each other. I don't think" He says, brushing it off "What the fuck?" I look at him, he just laughs "Why are you laughing, he's cheating on Connie" He places his hand on my leg "He's a player Britney, it's just who he is" I shake my head at him trying to get my mind around the situation, Calum walks back into the room "So where were we?" He looks to Ashton, picking up a guitar. Ashton grabs a sheet of paper "This is what we've got so far" he taps a beat with his foot and sings "Thought I'd found the highest of highs, you came and topped them all. You shine in the dead of the night and I was the first to fall" Calum pauses, before strumming a few chords, a smile spreads across both faces "I think we've got it" Ashton exclaims, high fiving Calum. He looks to me and smiles "What'd you think?" he asks "It was good, I didn't know you could sing" Calum bursts out with laughter and Ashton frowns "I'm in the band, of course I can sing" He laughs at me, shoving my shoulder "But you're the drummer" Calum smirks to me "He's much more than that" Ashton sends him a glare and turns to me "I can do more than play drums babe" My heart flutters, did he just call me babe? 

They continue to mess around for a few hours before Ashton decides it's time to go, we walk down to his car together and he opens my door for me before jumping in himself. I begin to think about last night, his wrists and the pain he's been through. It hurts to know that someone like him, this selfless, beautiful person who does nothing but give love to everyone around him could go through such pain. My eyes wander over to him, his eyes on the road. Both hands on the wheel this time. The thought of him having given up during his tough times makes my heart sink, the idea of him not being here right now brings tears to my eyes. "What's wrong" Ashton looks to me, seeing the tears in my eyes "I was just- I was thinking about last night. What you said about wanting to give up at times. I just can't imagine my life without you in it anymore and to think that you almost didn't make it this far, it breaks my heart..." he pauses for a second before a smile forms on his lips "But I did make it, and I am here. I'm here with you and honestly Britney, even though you've only been in my life for a couple of months. I couldn't imagine the world without you in it either" he looks to me, and places his hand on my leg "Maybe it was fate" He laughs, I smile staring at him in admiration. He stops the car and looks to me "I don't expect you to explain why you turn to self harm at the moment, but I do need you to know that you can trust me. If you need me, even if its at 3am. I'll be there. I want to say I know what you're going through but I don't, we all face our own battles. But no matter what, You'll always have my shoulder to cry on. I care about you Britney, more than anyone on this shitty planet. You got that?" He looks me dead in the eyes, I smile at him and nod my head "Same goes Ashton" I reply. "We're here by the way" I look out the window to find we're parked outside my apartment. I place a kiss on Ashtons cheek before jumping out of the car "Thank you for last night, and today" I yell back to him as I walk towards my apartment building. "One last thing" He yells. I turn around "Will you be my girl?"

Unpredictable // A.F.IDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora