X💔 Our love is GOD 💔X

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(Object/Name) sobbed and cried in a dark corner, tears pouring out of her eyes, she heard the door open and she glances upwards and saw X, who look shock and quickly went over to him, embracing the smaller female in his arms.

"(Object/Name)? What has happen? Why are you crying?" He ask. (Object/Name) only sniff and sobbed quietly before stuffing her face in X's chest.

"Four..... Four cheated on me....... He cheated on me with another female...... He.... I... I saw him X..... He was kissing... Hugging her.... He has never done that to me for over 10 years, why? Why would he do that to me X?!?

Am i too boring now?

Am i too fat or ugly now?" She sniffed as X wrap his arms around her and cradle her. He glance down at her and wipe the tears off her cheeks.

"{He has made you cry

But that will end tonight

You are the only thing that's perfect in this cruel, unforgiving world.}" He sang softly and cupped his hands onto her cheeks.

"{Go on and cry

But when the morning comes

We'll show him what he lost

We'll show him what he has lost

My love for you is god.}" He sang softly, his face now flushing, tears now streaming down his face.

(Object/Name) glance at him in shock before placing her hand on his shoulder. "Are you okey X?"

He only took her hands and hold them against his chest. "{I was alone.... I was alone in the dark... But then when you came into my life, you made me see the light.... See, I'm crying too. Remember dear, you are not alone}." He whisper.

(Object/Name) only smile and hugged him. "{And when the morning comes, We'll show him what he has lost}." Both (Object/Name) and X sang as they glance into each other eyes and (Object/Name) can feel her heart skip a beat once more, her face flushing.

Who knew falling for your best friend can happen so fast.

"{Our love is god}." They sang and lean their head together, their forhead touching.

"Let's teach Four a lesson that he'll never forget." X said with a smirk. (Object/Name) smirk right back at him.

[10 days later]

"Hello?" Four respond in his cellphone as he drink his cup of coffee.

"Hey Sweetie.... It's me, (Object/Name)."

"Well hello (Object/Name), it's something wrong?" He ask.

"~Oh nothing.... I was just wondering if you could come to the forest at dawn so that we can..... Err.. Well.... Have some alone time~

Meet me at dawn." She said before hanging up. Four was a bit confuse but if his wife wanted to see him, he'll do whatever she wishes.

"You ready for this (Object/Name)?" Ask X. (Object/Name) nodded and giggle softly.

"{I worship you...... I'd trade my life for yours, cheaters like him will fade away

We'll plant our garden of love soon.}" X sang as he twirl (Object/Name) around.

"{Our love is god.}" They both sang.

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