Love gone wrong

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*This was requested by someone i completely forgot but here it is, this is the human version by the way.*

*Four x  Reader*

*Reader's pov*

June 1th 2018, 6:00 am...... Entry 1#

              Hello, my name is (Object/Name), i am a constant of the show call BFDI, for short, Battle for Dream Island, i was in my room, sleeping till i woke up around 5:59 am, but when i woke up, i was all alone in the girl's bedroom.

I didn't see Leafy, Flower, Pencil, Pin, Ice Cube, nobody at all. At first,i thought it was a prank and search the whole room but after i am done checking, they weren't even in the room at all. Which was very odd, i usually wake up before them..... Maybe they all decide to wake up before me i guess......

I put on my clothes and went out to search for them, when i check outside, they weren't even outside as well. I went to the boy's room and knocked at their door but they didn't respond, i check through the window and see nobody at all, i didn't see Firey, Coiny, Snowball, NOBODY AT ALL!

I will admit that i sort of panic a bit but i took breathe and relax myself, stress and fear won't get me nowhere, i told myself that they are probably outside waiting for me with Four and X but i was so wrong when i went over to where we usually do the challenges.

Four and X has disappeared as well......... I cried out for anyone but i heard nothing, i have decide to go search for them cause i refuse to believe that they have left me or...... Something bad happens to them.......... So i went back to my room, pack all my stuff and decide to search in the city of Yolo City, i am leaving the door unlock just in case they come back.

I don't know how long i will be gone so till then, wish me luck.

June 2th 2018, 12:00 pm, Entry 2#

Unfortunately, Yolo City is also empty......... I search around the whole city, literally, i did. I search like 13 times or more but there is seriously nobody around here. But i have noticed that there are a few scattered items left behind, like a book or a knife, i haven't realized this till after my 18th search around the city.

I heard rumors saying that when someone disappeared, they left a certain item behind that they had with them before their disappearance...... So, that means the other constant are still alive.... I just need to find them! I just hope they are alive..... I just hope they are okey........

June 3th 2018, 9:00 pm, Entry 3#

I made it back to the camp site from my trip to Yolo City and decides to rest for tonight and might as well stay here till someone comes and get me........

But i will be honest, i couldn't sleep at all.... I am too use of the sound of Pencil saying good-night to her friends, Firey and Coiny fighting in the next room, Leafy's soft snore whenever she fell asleep...... I even miss Flower's big mouth........ How can you miss something so annoying?

I even miss Golfball's smart mouth whenever she talks before she sleep.

June 4th 2018, 1:00 am, Entry #4

Ugh, i didn't sleep at all last night..... It was just too quiet for my liking....... I really hoping to wake up and see everyone in their bunk beds but sadly i didn't see them there....... I once again look around for anymore clues that might lead me to them.

Bfdi and inanimate insanity x reader Where stories live. Discover now