Stealing your man~💌

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You glare at Salt as she hugs Oj from behind and was giggling like a annoying homeschool girl, who the hell does she thinks she is? She can't just swoop in and take him away from you!

He only belongs to you! And you will make sure to stay that way.

You walk up to Oj and was hugging his arm. "Hey there hon~" you said in a flirtatious tone, making him blush a little, Salt glare at you as you cupped his face, making him look only at you than that annoying girl.

"Um.... H... Hey (Object/Name)......." you giggle and snuggle with him, making him uncomfortable but blushing as well, Salt saw this and whines. "Oj! You love me! Right?" she cried. You only push her away and smile at Oj.

"You know, you need a better girlfriend Oj, you need a woman, not a whiny little girl. And i can give you all you want~" you said as you kiss his cheeks, making his face flush red. "(O.. O... Object/Name)............I........ Is this really necessary?"  he said.

You only hush him and also ignore Salt's whining and screaming of anger. You look at her and smirk, you grab his face and smash his lips to yours, making him flush red and moan in the kiss, making Salt's face go red and steam coming out.

"WHAT THE HELL (OBJECT/NAME)!?!!?" She scream.

You only smirk and walk off with pride as Oj fainted from the kiss and Salt complaining and crying of you stealing his first kiss.

"Stealing your man." you said.

Bfdi and inanimate insanity x reader Where stories live. Discover now