It's On Like Donkey Kong *Request 4 Myalol09*

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Name: Akahana

Age: 22

Gender: Female

Looks: Blonde hair a little lighter than Tsunade’s that stops at her mid back, black eyes like Jiraiya’s and a dot on her forehead like Tsunade

Personality: She is very funny and loves to joke around, can be serious if needed to be, loves to laugh and smile constantly, also she hates when people point out her flaws and also she hates being interrupted.

Virgin?:   Yes    (No)

Baby Daddy:       (Yes)        No
Info: She is Tsunade and Jiraiya’s daughter and she is in Anbu. Her mask has kitty ears. She loves to put on Gaara’s gourd just for fun

 "It's on like donky kong!....It's on like donky kong! Bitch, I don't know if you can handle this storm. Go, go long I'm on like king kong. Chop-

"Hey Akahana have you seen my- WHOA!"

I jumped hearing my dad suddenly yell. I was listening to my blood on the dance floor songs. Yeah they might be perverted but I am the daughter of a man who writes porn. I was dancing around in my underwear and had Gaara's gourd on my back. It's a long story...

"Dad! I told you to knock before you enter my room!" I yelled grabbing my blanket from my bed to cover myself.

"What are you doing?!"

'I guess I'll have to explain now..'

"I was chillin with Naruto eating ramen earlier and spilled it all over my clothes."

"Don't you have anything else to wear? And why are you wearing Gaara's gourd?"

"All my clothes are dirty, I had to throw them in the wash and Gaara's my fience so I do this all the time!"

"Oh I see, your dancing in your underwear cause you want to take after your old man." My dad said with a huge grin.

"Gross! MOOOOOOM!!!!!" I yelled as loud as I could.

It didn't take long for her to show up and see what was going on, though I think she took it the wrong way....I watched as my dad anime cried while my mom dragged him away by the back of his shirt. Yeah I may have screwed up there.....

Gaara was my fience now after happily going out for two years. We went to visit my parents in the leaf village a lot and we even had our own room in the Hokage mansion. I sighed angrily waiting for my clothes to dry and sitting on the bed when Gaara came in.


"Could you shut the door hun? I don't like the breeze..." I said and Gaara turned to shut the door and kept facing it.

"Why are you wearing my gourd again?"

"Cause it's epic and I'm epic so what happens when you cross the two?"


"There..." I tried helping him.


"No silly, epicly awesome." I said with a giggle.

Gaara sighed then walked over to the bed smiling.

"You'd think by now I'd understand your jokes." Gaara said and I giggled more.

"It's ok, your cute when your clueless."

"And your cute in that strapless bra and thong. What, were you waiting for me?" Gaara asked winking causing me to blush.

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