My Ba!!s *Request 4 VampChoco*

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Name: Masami "elegant beauty"

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Personality: Quiet, a bit mysterious, over thinks a lot, prefers to hangout in the library more than hangout with girls, talks a lot when she's with the one she's comfortable with.

Looks: Raven-wing black hair, chocolate brown eyes (a medium true-brown.) normal tan-pale, green kimono-typed shirt, white tights, black boot-like shoes.

Virgin?    (Yes)     No

Baby daddy?     Yes        (No)


I was in the library thinking while trying to read. Though it was hard with my mind somewhere else. My boyfriend Sai wasn't around like he used to be and he never seems to care much...Some people just grow apart and I figured it was only a matter of time before he gets bored and leaves me or worse, cheat on me.

I didn't want to leave Sai but what other choice did I have? It's better to get out now before he hurts me. He doesn't seem like that kind of guy but then again he does like to keep to himself a lot... A tear slipped down my cheek and landed on my book.

I closed it and wiped my face clean quickly just as a certain someone came in.

"Hey Masami." Sai said and frowned. "Are you ok?"

I shook my head.

"What's wrong?"

"Sai...I...I think we need to see other people..." I said and his eyes widened.


"S-Sometimes people just kinda grow apart...." I said standing and trying my best not to cry. "I...I'm sorry.." I said before running out.

***At home***

I cried into my pillow until I finally calmed down enough to breath normally. I laid there thinking about Sai. Did he even care that I left him? Is he sad to? Or has he already moved on? My thoughts hurt me more but I had already cried my heart out. I sat up and sighed looking at the window as I heard taping on it.

I walked over and opened my window just as a bird flew in. I turned to face it and it was one of Sai's. It dropped a rose in my hand causing me to smile. I heard something from behind and turned around to see Sai.

"I know I've been busy with missions a lot and I'm never around but please give me another chance."

I smiled and nodded before running over to give him a hug.

"I love you Sai."

"I love you to Masami." Sai said hugging back and we kissed.

His lips were soft and the kiss was gentle as always. He depend the kiss and I removed my hands from around him to around his neck. When we pulled away I smiled up at him blushing slightly.

"I have something to tell you."

"What is it?" I asked.

"You know how I'm always making fun of Naruto and saying that I'm bigger?" Sai asked and I giggled.


"Want to see if it's true?"

My face suddenly got all red and I got wide eyed.

Make Out Tactics A Pervs Novel (Naruto Lemons/Baby daddys) *CLOSED*Where stories live. Discover now