The Bomber's Dirty Thoughts *Request 4 Calienia*

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Name: Lizzie Silver
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Personality: Kinda violent, insecure, seems kinda fragil but acts tough, can be really sweet and kind, gets mad easily.
Looks: Long redish brown hair, ocean blue eyes, angelic pale skin.
Virgin?    (Yes)    No
Baby daddy?      (Yes)     No


 'This....Is awkward...' I thought to myself as my eyebrow twitched.

I normally clean the rooms and do all the chores here for the Akatsuki. I had gotten the other rooms cleaned up and just went into Deidara's to clean his when...Well I walked in on an awkward moment. The room was surrounded by candles and the air smelled like roses. There was music playing and Deidara had nothing on but black boxers. His hair was down and he was leaning his head on his hand and his elbow on the bed while laying on his side with a hand on his knee that was arched. His other leg laying flat on the bed.

There was also a rose in his mouth while he made a seductive face. This was...REALLY awkward...This is also probably the sixth time he's tried seducing me...You wanna know what made this more awkward? Play the song to the side, the song started the moment I walked in.

"Ummmm....I think I'll come back later.." I said walking backwards until my back met the door.

I looked back at the door panicked because I KNOW I didn't shut it when I came in here...

"Thanks Sasori-Danna hm!"

"You owe me 30 bucks!" I heard Sasori shout back behind the door then came the sound of foot steps.

'Oh no..'

When I looked back Deidara was standing in front of me. He took the rose out of his mouth and smelled it with closed eyes then opened his eyes and smirked at me, leaning in closer.

"Are you ready to get it on un?" Deidara asked making me feel even more uncomfortable.

When I first came here I was ok looking to everyone, then I got my maid's uniform and the most perverted guys around here kept following me like lost puppies. Finally I told the old fuckers I was only 17 so they would leave me alone. Thing was since Deidara is 19 he kept trying to get in my pants..

"Ok I've had enough! I'm not giving my virginity away to some guy who just wants a one night stand!" I yelled in Deidara's face then shoved him away. "If you like a girl you go out with! You don't 'get it on' with her!" I snapped then Deidara smirked.

"How about a date then hm?"

"Your joking right?" I asked raising an eyebrow and Deidara shook his head.

"I'll go on as many dates as it takes hm." 

This made me smirk.

"Alright then, let's make a bet. If you can stand being on as many dates as I want to go on for as long as it takes then I'll sleep with you. But if you can't then you stop trying to seduce me forever. Deal?"

"Deal hm!"

This was perfect! One of the things guys always seemed to leave me for is how stubborn I can be and how insecure. There's no way Deidara would stay with me for so long being the way I am. If he wants to fuck he can go out and pay a hooker or somethings but my virginity I'm saving for that one guy who can put up with me and love me for who I am.

***1 year later***

I. Couldn't. Believe. It.

Me and Deidara had been on about 219 dates by now and he hasn't left me yet. At first everything was awkward but then I got to know Deidara and he can actually be pretty cool. We even started telling people we were boyfriend and girlfriend. We did normal couple stuff and even kissed every now and then. We made out a few times to but I always stopped it before we got carried away.

Make Out Tactics A Pervs Novel (Naruto Lemons/Baby daddys) *CLOSED*Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum