m o r n i n g

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Jeongguk hissed.

Shielding his vision with one hand, he blinked his sleepy lids, brain trying to comprehend as to why the fuck sunlight was streaming into his room, when it hadn't done that once in the past two years-

Wait a second.

He wasn't into Fallout Boys. Or Mozart, for that matter. So who had posted all these posters of them up on his wall? And was that a piano?

Nothing much making sense, he noisily made to kick the sheets away, but even they wouldn't comply, opting to get stuck along the way.

What. The. Fuck. Is. Going. On.

Just as he thought, screw it, and made to yell Jimin's name for him to come take care of him, he felt a form shift behind him, slightly taking more of the blanket from over Jeongguk's bare legs.

Jeongguk's bare legs. Jeongguk's...bare legs?

With a yelp, the brunette somersaulted off the soft mattress, spinning around, and ready to beat whoever was in his bed with him. For he never, never slept bare-legged.

"Don't mess with me!" He yelled, drunkenly stumbling over the floorboards. "I have the power of God and anime on my side!"

His vision still unclear from sleep, he was about to karate chop the person, but stopped. It was like his brain rebooted, & all the data was slowly coming back.

"Show yourself, mortal!" He demanded, prodding the bulky shape under the blanket.

"Go away, I'm asleep." The shape mumbled in reply.

Now seriously pissed, Jeongguk reached out and snatched the blanket covering the face. "Aha!" He yelled in triumph, before freezing.

Oh no.

And all the data came back.

At least, all the data regarding as to why he was in only a crumpled up dress-shirt with his dick swinging out in the open. Panicking now, he quickly glanced up at Taehyung (who, thankfully, was still asleep) and darted towards the bathroom.


Taehyung ran a hand through his freshly showered hair and pushed open the door to his bedroom, emerging out into the vacant living room. Seeing it empty, the tiny bit of hope pervading his senses that Jeongguk hadn't left already, whisked away.

Sighing sadly, he leaned back against the wall, planning to spend the rest of the day moping around revelling in utter misery and complaining to Hoseok.

Being subjected to that fate was cut short however, as he detected a faint smell of frying emitting from the kitchen.

The kitchen door was closed.


Now, Taehyung had seen enough romantic flicks to know how this went down; the guy would sneak up behind the girl cooking on the stove and would wound his arms around her, muttering a "good morning, baby" in a gravelly, sexy, sort of voice. The girl would most probably blush and stammer back a reply and both of them would have a nice breakfast with one feeding the other.

Unfortunately though, this was reality.

As soon as Taehyung entered the kitchen, he was met with the sight of Jeongguk in his own briefs and pretty much nothing else, trying to grease a pan with a can of grease in one hand and a paper towel in the other.

As planned, Taehyung crept forward and wound his arms around Jeongguk's waist.

"Good morni-" he began.

Jeongguk scREAMED in a very un-manly manner and sprayed the grease at Taehyung's face, making Taehyung fall back against the table.

"What the fuck-" he spluttered, before a paper towel smacked the side of his face.

"Ha!" Jeongguk exclaimed in triumph. "That'd teach you to try and kidnap me."

"Why would I want to kidnap you!?"

"Criminals don't have reasons for doing shit!"

"We literally fucked last night!"

"Handjobs don't count as fucking, excuse you-"

Both of them yelped as the pan cooking on the stove suddenly caught fire, the flames dancing orange.

"Fuck, do something!" Jeongguk yelled.

"What do I do!? I wasn't the one trying to cook!"

"Oh, for the love of all that's holy!" Jeongguk readjusted his grip on the paper towel and tried to pat the fire out, to no avail; the towel caught on fire as well.

Jeongguk screamed again and yeeted the cloth out the window, with it landing over God knows who. Now turning their attention back to the stove (the flames of which were now licking the underside of the cabinet) both boys panicked again.

"Water!" They said simultaneously, rushing over to fill various pots and pans with the liquid from the sink, and dumping it on the ever-growing flames. It wasn't working either.

Taehyung smacked his forehead. "What are we doing; this is an electric fire! Water won't work!"

"What the fuck will, then!?"

"I don't know, I can't remember!"

"You useless piece of toenail mush!"

All of a sudden, Jeongguk stumbled and started coughing violently. "Taehyung, help I'm dying!" He choked out amid coughs. "The smoke, it's too much!"

Not knowing what else to do, Taehyung dumped the glass of water in his hand over the dying boy's head.

"I just said I couldn't breathe and you dunked me in water!?" Jeongguk spluttered incredulously.

All of a sudden, the door to the kitchen opened and Hoseok barged in, holding a fire extinguisher already aimed at the stove. "Everybody stand back!" He instructed.

A bit too late, quite honestly, resulting in the fire finally going out, and two college students drenched in fire extinguishing foam. "Whew." Hoseok wiped his forehead with his sleeve, and grinned at his work. "All in a day's work for none other than Jung Hoseok."

And that's when he noticed the other two.

"Wow guys, I mean, I knew y'all were into each other, but a panic kink is a little too much, don't you think?" He tutted disappointingly, and ducked as a shoe sailed over his head.

"Shut up, dude." Taehyung groaned, as him and Jeongguk started wiping the thick foam off their bodies with tissue wads.


a/n; honestly, what is this book? one chapter you get all deep sensual confessions, and the second you get them all on crack

writing this was so fun btw

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