XII. Alabaster

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A/N: I know this chapter should have been out ages ago. This is what happens when you procrastinate all your school work/studies and then realize you're actually gonna fail your tests.

On the bright side I made this chapter extraaaa long 🤗😅😅

P.S. Don't procrastinate, kids


Jungkook's p.o.v.

I caught sight of exactly the person I was looking for and quickly strode towards him, not wanting to waste the opportunity of getting to talk to him without a certain mint-haired demon's intervention.

"Jimin." I called out, watching the dark-haired fallen halt in the middle of feeding the ducks in the pond at the sound of his name being called.

He turned around, looking frightened for some reason before realizing it was me, fear then changing to a look of conflict.
"Jungkook? How did you know I was here?"

I scoffed. "It doesn't take much talent to find you angels.

For some reason, you guys always flock to quiet parks whenever you need to do a little thinking."

"I'm not an angel anymore." He said matter-of-factly, but with an underlying hurt to it.

I waved his statement off. "Potato, potahto." I shrugged my hands into my jacket's pockets. "I need to talk to you about something."

"Is it true that you stopped the black market?" He asked me instead, his eyes mimicking a look of wonder.

"I-uh-" I stuttered, not knowing how to respond to that. "Not exactly. We targeted one of the main centers, but there's no saying they won't build themselves back up again.

And besides, it wasn't a selfless motive, so you don't have to go painting me as a hero in your mind or anything."

"I don't care what your motive was. You did something not even us angels ever tried to do.

They've been whispers of it floating around.

You saved countless angels, you've already turned into somewhat of a hero.

The demon who saved angels." He said with a giggle.

"You're probably going to be all the rage for gossip to last years."

I scrunched my nose in distaste. "Please tell me you're only joking." I said, really not wanting to be made into some sort of mythical angel-loving demon.

Just the thought of it made me want to gouge my eyes out.

"Nope." He said, shaking his head with a chuckle, emptying the last of the bread crumbs for the ducks to eat.

He folded and tossed the packet into the bin before walking past by me, tugging my hand, ensuring that I follow.

I awkwardly walked side-by-side with him along the somewhat narrow pebbled pathway.

"But in all seriousness, Jungkook. I'd like to thank you." He said with a soft exhale. "Whatever be your motive, you didn't have to do that. But you did, and that makes the difference."

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