IV. Indelicate

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Jungkook's p.o.v.

Taehyung slowed down as we reached the poorer neighborhoods of the city where the activities of the demon gang were rumored to be concentrated.

"What are we going to do now? Wait for them to pop out with balloons?" I asked him, annoyed with the fact that he had pretty much turned a deaf ear to me the whole ride here.

"The first thing we need to do is figure out if these are the guys we're looking for." He said, pulling over to park near a closed down shop.

"And how are we going to do that?"

I unbuckled the belt that he had bullied me into putting on and got down the car.

He walked over to my side and pressed his lips into a thin line. "I haven't really come up with a solid plan yet, to be quite honest."

I sputtered. "What do you mean you don't have a plan?! This isn't some silly high school test that you can just decide to wing it!"

"Calm down, it's not like I was planning on infiltrating their base or anything. We just have to get some information about them from a reliable source.

"Okay, do you know where you can find this reliable source of yours?" I asked him raising an eyebrow.

"Is everything that comes out of your mouth a dry slash sarcastic comment, because it's starting to get on my last nerve."

I decided not to address that statement of his, pulling my jacket over where my wound was since the cold air was getting it to start throbbing again.

I really wanted to know what the fuck was in that bullet of theirs because feeling this sort of pain just reminded me why feeling nothing was a fucking blessing.

"Let's try asking some of the people here. There might be a lesser demon we could question."

I shrugged. "Cool with me, lead the way." I gestured in front of me.

He rolled his eyes and started walking. I followed behind him a few feet away, knowing that it would draw lesser attention to us.

This part of the city looked more like a run-down town, the buildings were old and crumbling, the streets were dimly lit with a group of dodgy looking people huddled at the ends of a few alley-ways, taking drags of cigarettes while another group was fighting each other for plastic packets of what I assumed were drugs.

Their auras, however, even though quite corrupted, showed that they were human.

As I studied the place I realized this was one district of the city that our gang, or any other gang, didn't have any connections in. There always seemed to be some problem or the other when trying to create a business here.

The residents seemed to be less than compliant and always made it difficult to coordinate deals.

We should've looked further into it rather than letting it go so easily.

I watched Taehyung stop to talk to a young kid who was sitting on the side of the road all alone.

I couldn't make out what exactly he was asking the kid, but it only made sense for it to be about the gang.

The kid nodded a few times, whispering something to the blond, looking rather frightened, and then pointed down another street.

Taehyung thanked him and then handed him a roll of money, smiling as he ruffled the kid's hair.

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