19. He'll treat her right.

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Clarke's eyes fluttered open to the bright sunlight shining on her face. She took a moment to look around the room. For a moment, she panicked and thought that she had woken up beside Finn again, in Millers house. But as she looked around the familiar setting, she smiled to herself, realising that it wasn't a dream. Last night she had told Bellamy that she loved him. The memory made her smile grow. Clarke had tried to find an excuse not to start a relationship, but Bellamy had refused to give up. Now that she was here, she was pleased he hadn't.

Soft, warm lips pressed against her bare shoulder. Clarke welcomed the content feeling coursing through her. Bellamy's arms tightened around her waist, pulling her closer.

"We should really get up before Octavia comes barging in." Clarke sighed.

Bellamy groaned and buried his face in the back of Clarke's neck. His breath tickled her sensitive skin, sending a shiver down her spine.

"She'll be too busy with Lincoln." Bellamy mumbled.

Clarke rolled over to face him. Piercing brown eyes stared back at her. She reached a hand up to caress his cheek, rubbing her thumb across the freckles dotted across his nose. His hand rested on her hip, holding her close.

"What are you thinking about?" Clarke asked, looking into his eyes.

"I'm thinking I'm naked, in bed with a beautiful woman who also happens to be naked, and she hasn't even given me a kiss yet." Bellamy smirked.

Clarke rolled her eyes but nevertheless she leant in and pushed her lips firmly to his. Bellamy's hand gripped the back of her neck, pulling her in and deepening the kiss. Clarke rolled on top of him, her knees either side of his hips. Neither one broke the kiss and Bellamy pulled the blankets over Clarke's back.

Clarke pulled away, leaning on her hands to look down at Bellamy. She stroked his cheek again, smiling softly at him.

"Be mine Clarke." Bellamy whispered. His hands gripped her hips, his thumbs rubbed small circles.

"I already was." Clarke smiled. Bellamy's grin matched hers as she lowered her head to kiss him once more.

Their private celebration was cut short as Bellamy's bedroom door flew open and a loud gasp broke them apart.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry!" Aurora exclaimed as she covered her eyes.

Bellamy flipped Clarke off him, shielding her from his mothers line of sight and pulled the blankets higher, leaning on his elbow.

"Mom!" Bellamy yelled.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know Clarke was still here!" Aurora said, still covering her eyes.

"I don't mean to sound rude or anything but what do you want mom?" Bellamy asked. He was growing more and more uncomfortable by the second.

"Roan's downstairs. He's looking for Clarke." Aurora said.

"Shit." Clarke whispered from behind Bellamy. She'd forgot to tell Roan where she was.

"We'll be down in a minute." Bellamy nodded.

Aurora nodded her head and backed out the room, closing the door behind her. Bellamy dropped back onto the pillows beside Clarke.

"Guess we can't keep it a secret this time." Clarke chuckled.

"Did you want to?" Bellamy asked, raising a brow.

"No Bellamy, it was a joke. You can scream it from the rooftops if you really want to." Clare grinned.

"How about we tell your brother first." Bellamy smiled.

Clarke nodded and kissed him once more before they parted and began getting dressed. Once they were fully clothed and Clarke had shoved her hair in a bun on top of her head, they went downstairs.

Much to Clarke's surprise, Octavia and Lincoln were already in the kitchen with Roan, Abby and Aurora.

"How late did we sleep in?" Clarke asked, looking around at the faces she loved.

"Well I'm guessing there wasn't much sleeping going on." Octavia smirked into her coffee.

"Mom!" Bellamy grimaced.

"I didn't say a word!" Aurora defended.

"She didn't have to. We could hear you." Octavia teased.

Clarke's face turned a vibrant shade of crimson. The thought of keeping quiet hadn't even occurred to her last night. Maybe she should have thought of that first.

"So are you two like a couple now?" Roan asked.

"Yes." Clarke replied without hesitation.

"Ha! Pay up loser!" Octavia cheered.

"Wait. You put a bet on when we would get together?" Bellamy asked.

"It's been going on for years. We updated it recently." Roan shrugged as he handed Octavia a $20 bill.

"When did you bet we would get together?" Clarke said thoughtfully. One glance at Bellamy told her he was thinking the same thing.

"I bet on Bellamy's birthday in two weeks." Roan said.

"I said family barbecue." Octavia grinned.

"I said after the car accident." Lincoln shrugged. He was quick to continue after the looks of confusion. "Don't look at me like that, Bellamy wouldn't let Clarke out his sight and Clarke clung to him like a koala in a tree."

Bellamy looked down at Clarke who nodded once.

"Lincoln wins." Bellamy said pointing at Lincoln.

"What?" Roan and Octavia exclaimed.

"Lincoln wins. Me and Clarke got together after the car accident, we just didn't tell anyone." Bellamy said as if it were no big deal.

"So you've been dating my sister this whole time and didn't think to tell me?" Roan looked slightly pissed.

"No. We only dated for a week." Clarke said, shaking her head.

"I'm so confused. You and Clarke were together for a week? When?" Aurora asked, looking between her son and Clarke.

"A few days after Dad had the accident, we kinda hooked up and just carried on from there, but something happened and we decided to just be friends. Apparently that's not enough for us so we're trying again." Clarke shrugged.

"That explains so much." Roan said. It was as though he'd finally worked out the answer to a complicated riddle.

"Well I'm pleased you two finally saw what we've been seeing for years." Abby smiled.

Bellamy wrapped an arm around Clarke's shoulders and kissed the top of her head.

"I'm still waiting for the big brother speech." Octavia grinned, pleased that for once, it wasn't her brother giving it.

Bellamy and Clarke turned to Roan, waiting expectantly.

"He doesn't need the speech. I know he'll treat her right." Roan smirked. "I know because I know that he knows if he fucks up, I'll break every bone in his body."

"Roan Griffin!" Abby scolded.

"Sorry Mom, he may be like a brother to me, but Clarke's still my little sister. She comes first." Roan defended.

"That's so sweet yet so terrifying." Clarke commented.

"Don't worry, I don't plan on hurting her. I've waited so long for this, I'm not gonna fuck it up." Bellamy said seriously. And he meant every word. He'd been waiting almost five years for the day he could call Clarke Griffin his. Now he finally had her, he didn't plan on letting her go without a fight.

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