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Keith had been practicing witchcraft for a number of years.
He was practicing alongside of Allura and Romelle Altea. Two wonderful women who had been married for some-odd number of years.

They both had familiars, Coran and Bandor. Coran was a ginger cat and Bandor was a brown border collie. Bandor was like a brother to Romelle, always taking care of her and protecting her like a brother would.

Keith always wondered when he'd get his familiar. He never felt a connection to anything. It was rare for him to feel a connection to any pets or people.

"Romelle?" Keith asks, hands clasped behind his back.

"Yes, Keith?"

"Do you know when I'll get a familiar?"

"Hmm its different for everyone. Bandor was my foster family's son. So I have had him since I was around 6." Romelle smiles.


"Since I was a child, Keith. You know this. Coran tells you the stories of his and my father's journeys."

Keith sighs, fixing his hair. He takes a seat and goes to prop his feet up.

"Don't you dare think about putting your feet on that table." Romelle hisses, not taking her eyes off the book she was reading.

"I- I wasn't!" Keith huffs

"Sure." Romelle laughs.

"Oh, Keith?" Allura quips.


"We'll need your assistance in the shop. Adam and Takashi are going to be coming."

"So big order?" Keith asks.


An hour later the 3 of them along with Coran and Bandor head down to the shop. Allura unlocking it and holding the door open.

Not even 10 minutes later Adam and Shiro show up.

"Takashi! Adam!" Allura smiles, arms out for a hug.

"Hey Allura, Romelle, Keith." Adam smiles, pulling Allura in for a hug. Shiro does the same, except it's one handed.

"Keith come help me gather the things they need." Romelle smiles, grabbing Keith's hand.

Keith allows her to pull him to the back. They gather up the things Adam needs in a couple boxes. Then they bring them out to the front of the store, piling the small wooden boxes onto the counter.

"Thank you guys, this means a lot." Adam smiles. Adam was a necromancer, he worked with a lot of dead things.

It got messy and stunk up the place he worked in so he needed some things. Maggots for one, incense, sage, bowls for blood.

He also needed to go to the store and get foods that were high in iron. He usually picked up some fish and called it a day but he felt as if he should provide more for Shiro.


"Yes, sir?"

"Could you run to the store? Pick up what you'd like as well as fish, please."

"W-what I like?"

"Yes? Did I stutter?"

"No, sir. Sorry." Shiro mutters, taking Adam's card before turning to exit the store.

"Hey, Takashi. Didn't I tell you to stop calling me sir." Adam gives a lopsided grin to his familiar and lover.

"Sorry." Shiro's cheeks flush, he turns quickly and rushes out of the shop.

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