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Naksh was in the meeting with Ian Parker and his pa John Broadway.( PARKER COMPANY) Both of them were sitting across from each other and there pa's beside them. Ian was looking at Gayu lustfully and was passing her smiled and smirks from time to time due to which Gayu was getting uncomfortable. Under the table Ian was rubbing his leg over Gayu's and his assistant leeking her legs steady in one place so she couls not move them. Ian" NK it will be so good to work with you and your company" he said looking at Gayu looking shaking hands with Naksh and then taking Gayu's hand for the same but holding her hand for a little more.

After the meeting Gayu went to the washroom and looked it from inside and started crying muffling her cries by keeping her hand on her mouth. Naira was also in the washroom when she heard some voices. She recognised the voice as of Gayu. Naira" G? what happend G? Why are you crying?" Gayu told her everything and Naira was raging with anger. Naira" what the fuck.... that bastard. I will not leave him. You should've told bhai then only. He would have cancelled the deal then only". Gayu" he would've never done that. He don't care". Naira"no... he cares... he's just changed. You don't know bhai. He can do anything to protect someone self respect even if it is to cancel the deal". Gayu" but why would he cancel his deal jut because of me?" Naora" because I know him... he may be look bad but deep inside he is the best personone could have. He has face so many thing which changed him". last line was to herself than Gayu.

Naira went to Naksh cabin. Naira" bhai I need to talk to you" Naksh" how many times do I have to tell you that don't call md bhai in the office". Naira" I don't care and the people in offie don't understand hindi. Uh.. forget it, I came here for something important". Naksh "shoot". Naira told Naksh about everything and he asked her go and that he will handle the matter.

Next Day Naksh called Ian and his pa to office and took them to tmeeting room and then called Gayu. Gayu saw them and got scared and thought that Naksh called theem here to insult her and fire her. Naksh" Mr.Parkar, did something happened yesterday?"
Ian "yesterday? I don't think so NK?" he said looking at Gayu then his pa. Naksh showed them the video of him and his pa harrassing Gayu. All were shocked. Naksh" what is this Mr.Parkar then?" Ian" it...its fake.... she did it... I know these kind of sluts. They do these kind of things only". Gayu was crying by now. The cops came in with Naira. Naksh "take him and make him rot in jail for doing this to someone. There should be strict charges against both of them". Cops hancuffed them and was taking him out of the office when Ian looked back at Gayu and Naksh with revengeful eyes. Gayu hugged Naira. Gayu" thanku Nai". Naira "hey no problem G". Gayu went towards Naksh and thanked him also who didn't say much.

Gayu was in the lift when she saw Naksh coming so she waited for him also. Naksh came and stood inside the lift. Gayu pressed the groudfloor button. Gayu "I'm sorry and thanku sir". Naksh" for what Ms.Arya?" Gayu "sorry because sir you cancelled the project because of me and thanku because you helped me". Naksh "If it would have someoen else also I would've done the same Ms.Arya".

Suddenly the lights starts flickering and lift stopped suddenly. Naksh started panicking. He loosen up his tie and took his coat off and suddenly fell on the lift's floor. Gayu switched on her phone's flash. She saw Naksh sweating. She decided to ask someone for help but the signals were not coming inside the lift. Naksh started having problem in breathing so he opened few of his top buttons. Naksh was now again have some flashes.

Naksh was sitting in his room when a girl came and hugged him from behind. Naksh held her hands and kissed them. The light suddenly started flickering. The room became dark so Naksh started sweating. The girl laid Naksh on the bed with difficulty and got up from bed to open the curtains but Naksh held her hands"ple... please don...don't  leave me....." Girl" Naksh don't worry I'm here only I will not leave you." she said assuring. She got up and pulled the curtain so there were some lights now in the room. The girl started rubbing Naksh hands and feets to calm him down. Girl" now... now its okay... look you are okay... I'm with you don't worry baby" she said kissing his forehead.

Naksh "please... don't... don't leave me... Ta...." the very next moment he fainted.

Naira and Kartik were also in the office when the heard Gayu's voice coming from the elevator for the help. With the help of some security Kartik took Naksh and Gayu out of the elevator. Naira was worried for Naksh.

Kartik took Naksh and Naira to NK VILLA and Naira called the doctor. Doctor came and checked Naksh and gave some medicines.

Next morning Naksh got up and saw he was in his bed. Sanju came there" morning Nick". Naksh" hey Sanju, for how much long I was out?"
Sanju "just one day". Naksh started getting up but sanju stopped him" where are you going dude?"
Naksh " I have to go office, there's a lot of work pending". Yash came  there "you don't have to work for today. Kartik and Naira will handle it".
Naksh "but...." Sanju "no buts Mr. now lay down". Naksh laid down because he knew at the end Sanju would win and will force him to take rest.

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