"Daddy?" Taraji called kissing his cheek. He grunted in response scanning the paper.

"Where is Magic, Majesty, and May?" She questioned referring to the triplets.

Yeah, triplets. 3 bundles of 8 year old energy were running a muck somewhere in the house. Her father shrugged to engrossed in the paper. She rolled her eyes walking to the kitchen. Her mother was bent down pulling a pan out of the oven. Taraji's mouth watered looking at the fresh cornbread.

"Hi Nugget. When did you get here?" Her mother questioned turning to face her child.

"I just got in. Anyways where are the little tornados." Taraji pondered jumping up onto the bar stool beside her. On cue three quick and nimble bodies dashed around the corner, the rounded the island almost crashing into their grandmother.

"Hey you three, cut that out! You guys know better." Her mother snapped, they slowed their run to a walk and scurried out the kitchen after waving to Taraji.

"I hope you swinging by for Sunday dinner." Her mother spoke tending to the food.

"I will mama. I promise. I won't miss this one." Taraji assured her, her mother pursed her lips giving her daughter a sideways glance.

"Yeah okay I'll believe it when I see it." Her mother lightly joked. Taraji smiled, there was nothing better then family bonding.

A few days later......

Taraji sat on her couch, lounging about. She find her grading the homework and adding stickers for jobs well done. She just wanted to kick back and relax. Maybe even sleep the day away.

Her peace was interrupted by the ringing of her phone. Her brows furrowed looking at the number. It was a 1-800 number. She answered it curious.


"Is this Taraji Jones?" A female voice questioned. Taraji's brows furrowed.

"No Henson. I think you have the wrong Taraji." She responded, her name was unique she had never met another with the same name.

"Oh thats right. My apologies, My name is Kay. I work here at Heart to Heart it's a medical agency, I'm calling to inform you that your mother has fallen into stage 4 lung cancer. It's terminal and as a last wish, she wishes to see you." Kay informed her, Taraji made a face.

"Uhh...You definitely have the wrong Taraji. My mother is perfectly healthy. I just got off the phone with her." Taraji responded.

"I was given this number by the adoption agency. I'm almost 100% sure I have the right one ma'am. Your birth mother left it as an open adoption." Kay spoke.

"Birth mother?! Yeah, maybe you should check your facts. I hope you find the right Taraji. Thank you have a good day." Taraji voiced then hung up.

She shrugged it off. Going into her room she stripped hitting the shower. The phone called weighed heavy on her. So heavy that at the nice family dinner she at picking at her plate. Something just didn't sir right.

"Nugget what's going on?" Her father's voice asked breaking her out of her thoughts. She looked up feeling the eyes of the whole family. She shook her head sighing and shrugged with one arm.

"Oh no. What's wrong? You just hit us with the Taraji shrug." Sam asked, staring at her intently.

"Nothing I just got a weird phone call." She admitted, they waited for her to elaborate.

"Some medical place yelling me that my mother is dieing somewhere and that she wants to see me. It's crazy cause like mom your fine. They said something about me having another last name. It's just all crazy." Taraji spoke shrugging it off.

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