24 - The New Sally

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Hi guys, finally a new update! Hope you guys enjoy this.....


• Sally's POV•

2 years Later

I now just done teaching my students. Yeah this is me the new Sally. Now I still live in Indonesia, have my own make up studio, and also I'm a beauty guru.

2 years ago after I stopped working with Bret, I decided to take a make up school in America for a year. I stopped talking to Bret for 3months, cause I think I need to refresh my mind from everything. Now, here I am, I got back from America around 8months ago.

Then with the help of Leah, I opened my make up studio 2months after I got back. And here I am now I have around 20 students at the moment, and also I have my own make-up brand. Things have been happening quite good for me. And I couldn't be more grateful.

This is how Sally looks like now

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This is how Sally looks like now.

And this is how her make-up studio looks like

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And this is how her make-up studio looks like.


"Uh hello Bret, how are you?" I asked

"Hello Sally, I'm good , how about you? Been better? actually I got a good news for you." he said.

I knitted my brow, "I'm good, actually just done teaching right now, what is the good news Bret?"

"I want to invite you to come to Philippines! Please say yes to me, Sally. I haven't met you for 2 years! I miss you!" he said.

I smile, "ah Bret I would love to, but as you know my schedule is just so tight right now, I have about 20 students to handle on my own.." I said.

"Nah you liar! I have called your manager! Leah, and she said yes you could, she can clear your schedule for 5 days next week! So no more excuses okay?" he said.

I laugh, "ah so bossy, aren't you?" I asked.

"Yes I need to be super bossy around you Sal! You've been working too hard and it gets to the point where you cut people off! By the way, I'm going to held a party next week when you come! I want you to meet someone!" Bret cheered in the phone.

"Hahahaha well as you know I enjoy my job, Bret. Things have been happening to be so good in my life now, and I think this is what I should do to appreciate it. Wow, who is it? I cannot wait!" I said.

"I know I know things have been going great for your life, how about your love life? Anyone been making you happy now?" he asked.

I shake my head no, forgetting that he can not seee. "Uh no Bret, still not that ready for a new relationship. I enjoy the single life!" I joked.

Deep down I know I still can not fully move on from James.

"James has been saying the same, he is a mess without you Sal!" he said.

"Bret not now.. He has Alexis with him. And I was nobody to him. And I can live without him, I'm pretty sure he can do that too!" I said.

"Well, in fact he is not, he's not the same since you left. As how I told you, the night before you left he wanted to talk to you, but I assured him not too, that's the regret he still has till now," Bret said.

"Well as you also know Bret. I'm done with everything that has James' relation in it. And I believe he only regrets cause he took the bet, that's all. Now can you tell me you're doing? Cause I've been missing you!" I said.

Then Bret talked to me for another 30minutes till we cut the call off.


So, as how Bret said I'm going to the Philippines next week, it's been a long time since I was in that country. I am super excited to be going there again.

This time as a tourist not a worker. Leah has been my manager, she is the one that take a good care of my job now. I'm so happy to be surrounded by good and nice people.


So, here is the short update, btw guys can I get 5 votes for the story? I hope you all enjoy this, I'm going to update again soon! I hope.

Love ,

Shintya Theresha Silvana

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