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• Sally’s POV •

James and I have move in together for a week now. It kinda hard to stay away from him cause he wouldn’t give me any alone time, not that I don’t like it. It just not that free being with him this 24/7.

Suddenly my phone ring, I looked at it and saw the unknown number. Who is calling me? Maybe it is important? I answer it.


“Is this Sally?”

“Yes, I am, and who are you?”

“Oh good. Sally, I’m Andrew from the TV5 interview, we would like to have you as our guest next monday, can you make it?”

“I’m sorry. But what is the interview is going to be? I mean I’m not a singer nor an actor.”

“Oh yeah it will be about your job. You are a make up artist right?”

“Yes, I am.”

“Yeah, we are just gonna talk about how you know Bret Jackson and work with him, also about how James Reid is also your client too, so would you want to come? And there will be   Bret and James too. I’ve called their management, and I got your number from Bret,”

I thought about it for a few minutes. If I accept it, it will be such a good opportunity for me, but I don’t want Bret and James to think that I used them, I am so confused.

“So? What is your answer Miss?”

The Andrew guy speak again bring me back from my thoughts.

“Hm I think I will need sometimes to think about it, how about I inform you again later?” I said.

“Yeah it’s okay with me, so we are waiting for your answer,”

“Yeah just give me a couple days, I’ll just call you again for the answer, thank you,”

“It’s alright, and my pleasure miss.”

So do I want to attend the interview or not? I don’t want James and Bret to think that I used them for my own good. But I also don’t want to waste the chance. It won’t come twice right?

“Hey, what are you thinking about babe? You seems so confused.” James said suddenly.

“Oh hey James. Promise me you won’t think of me differently if I told you about it?”

He knitted his eyebrows then smiled at me, “I won’t. Why would I?”

Then he sit next to me and take my hand in his, “you believe me right?” He asked. I nodded.

“Then just tell me,”

“I got a call from TV5 interview. They were wanting me to be one of the guests for next monday.”

James smiled at me, “it’s a good news babe, what do they want to talk about?”

“About my job, and how I know Bret and how I ended up work with you too. They also said that you and Bret will be there too,” I said.

Suddenly James let go of my hand, I thought he was mad me, but then He pulled me closer to her by my waist, and hug me.

“Isn’t it a good news Sal? You will have an opportunity to introduce yourself to the public, it’s a chance for your dream, your make up are great, also you are a great stylist, there’s nothing to worry I guess,” he said.

“I don’t want you and Bret think that I was here only for the fame. I don’t want you and Bret to think that I used you both for my own good,” I said and bow my head only to hear James laugh.

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