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Part 13 - BROKEN


I woke up next to James. How do I get here? I ask myself. The last thing I remembered was James talking to me in the park.

I tried to move away from him. He’s starting to awake.

•James’ POV•

I felt Sally move next to. I awake from my sleep.

“Just get back to sleep Sal,” I said.

She just stared at me not saying a word.

“Don’t you ever give me another silent treatment again Sal. I love you.”

She shook her head. “James. Your sister is right. You deserve someone better than me. Someone who is accepted in your family. And it’s not me.” She said.

“What are you saying Sal?”
I look at her disbelief.

“Just leave me James. No I mean I will leave. This is your place.” She said and get up from the bed and since we are in her room, she put her suitcase out of her wardrobe, and start to throw her clothes in it. There’s no way in hell I’m gonna allow her to leave me. No. She won’t, will she?

I walked up to her start shoving her clothes back to her wardrobe.

She look at me, I can’t explain her expression. “What are you doing James!” She yelled

“What? You! What do you think you are doing right now!?” I shouted back.

“Don’t make this any harder. You know what I’m trying to do.”

“Who says you can leave me just like that?!”

No answered.

“Answer me!”

“YOU CAN’T LEAVE ME SALLY!” I shouted, I saw her flinch a little.

“Yes, I can! You are not my dad!” She said.

“Shit! Then leave! Let me help you pack you fame whore!” I shouted. My anger get the best of me.

“Oh so you think I am a fame whore too now James?” She whispered

“Yes! You know why I date you? No no, you know why was  I even starting to get you to me?” I asked,
“Cause the management asked me to date you! Shit you are only a publicity stunt for me! I never love you. You are not my type! Leave now, bring all your clothes, your things. I don’t want any of you left here!” I continue and regret it the seconds the words leave my mouth.

She stood there with expression I can’t read. She took a deep breathe. I can see her eyes starting to get teary.

Oh my God! What did I do. I love her. But still I told her about the publicity stunt. She will think of me differently.

“Ok.” It’s all she said before closing her suitcase. Start to walk away from me.

“Stop. No Sal, you know I don’t mean what I said, I’m sorry,” I said touching her arms.

She shook her head, “I’ve heard and know enough James. I hope you know even you only think about me as a publicity stunt, you were a great person to me, well tho now I know it is only the act. And I can’t work with you again, I quit.” She said then walk down the stairs.

Shit no she couldn’t leave me.

I run after her, “please sally, don’t leave me, I didn’t mean what I said, I just got angry alright? I love you please,” I plead.

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