Part 2 - Another new Job?

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Awkward. Yes,that is how I feel while sitting here in front of James and his girlfriend, Alexis. They both were smiling with eachother. I was wondering how could Alexis wants to be James' girlfriend. That guy is really annoying. But he looks sweet with his girlfriend. They were laughing to the some shows in the TV, while I'm sitting here waiting for Bret to come. I've been in his place for over an hour. "Ugh hello guys, sorry the traffic is really crazy!" A guy walked in, with the brightess smile I have ever seen. His smile is so warm. I was staring at him for a while, "umm hello? You are Sally, right?" Bret said and awaken me from my daydreaming about him. "O o oh yes I am," I said feeling awkward. And I can see James is saying something to Alexis in the corner of my eye then both of them burst in to laugh. OMG! Seriously. "Alright, by the way thanks James for Picking Sally up. You both can go and enjoy your night," Bret said and wink at them. "Bye, see you tomorrow Bret!" Alexis said then hug Bret and go with James.

Then Bret looked at me, "alright tell me more about yourself Sally," Bret said. Well, I guess this is one of those kind job interview? For make up artist? "Ugh hello? Sally you there?" Bret clapped his hand in front of me. Two times Sally seriously? "Ugh I'm really sorry. Well, As you know my name is Sally Patricia Anderson, I'm 19 and a make up artist." I said. "Hahaha I know that, I mean more specific about you, Sall." Bret said smiling. Those smile melts my heart. Ok you need to stop Sally. Be proffesional. "I'm sorry," "well I guess you have said sorry too many times. It's ok, go on." Bret chuckled.

"I have been dreaming to be a make up artist since I'm 12. And started my first make up class when I'm 17, then take a serious one when  I'm 18, got my certificate, then sending my CV to every photographer just in case they need a make up artist for their models, you know." I said smiling. "Oh, yeah I read that too from our agreement paper. More?" Bret requested. "Umm, after that I was offered some jobs. Well one of those jobs might be the reason why you offer me to be your personal make up artist? But what makes me confused is, why don't you just hire a make up artist that live in Philippines instead of looking for them online?" I asked curiously. "Well, yes you got all of that right hahaha, first I saw one of your work from the picture in one website. Which is I can say is perfect. You know that I know you are not only a make up artist but also a great hair stylist right?" He said. I nodded well I'm not that confident about people saying me as a hair stylist. I prefer to be known as make up artist instead.

"Well second of all, I went to look for it online cause I need a lomg term one. Those make up artist here were only come when I call. And since you said in your CV that you loved to work for a person in a long term time and I need it then yeah that is how it is." He said ending our whole conversation. I just sat there silently, "oh well you room is in the upstairs, the second door in the left, you can go rest, and we'll start to work tomorrow morning by 11,so you need to prepare by 9. We are going to an interview. And you need to style my hair and what I need to wear. Plus my make up. So see you tomorrow. Goodnight" Bret said and walk to his room I guess.

I walk into my room and lay down. Oh how I miss my bed already. 2 years contract here. I realy can do this. Yes Sally you can! Then I was falling asleep.


It's been a month and a half since I started to work with Bret. Everything goes smoothly. I love my job. Well, I only do Bret's hair and and a lil bit make up. Then choose his costum. Today is another day Bret is having an Interview for his upcoming project. I'm so freaking happy for him. "And here we are. Done," I said smiling proudly and Bret's hair that I just done my last touch up. "Ah thankyou Sally, or better I said sister?" Bret said hugging me. Yes we are growing closer day by day. He is like an older brother I never have. Well, he is 7 years older than me. "You're welcome bro," I said as I pulled myself back, then I saw James came in the dressing room looking tired. Well, not like I really care about. James and I didn't even close. He will always make fun of me. Well I know I'm not pretty and have a perfect body like his girlfriend, Alexis, but that doesn't mean he can just make fun of me right? I turn away taking a seat at the couch, before Bret went to talk to James.

"James? How is it? You okay?" Bret asked, maybe something is going on? I thought to myself.
"No, nothing's fine. She wants to break up with me Bret. How can I just let her go? Of course I won't let her go," James said a tear streamed down his eyes. I feel sorry for him. Though I don't know what happened to him. "Seriously? How can? Isn't it just like another time? When you upset her, she would be mad for a few hours then will forgive you again?" Bret asked once again. "I don't know I thought the same thing tho. That's why I have been giving her, her space like how she always wanted to, but she said it's different this time." James said, then turn his face to me.

• James' POV •

I really can't believe that Alexis really break up with me. We've been dating for almost 3 years. And have been friends for more than 5 years. I don't know how to face her anymore. I told Bret about it. And I can tell Bret is sorry for me.

I didn't realize that Sally was there hearing me being weak in front of Bret, I turned to face her, " I need a make up artist, Bret. I don't want to share a make up artist and stylist with Alexis anymore, it will be so hard I know." I said. "Oh well I have Sally, but you need to ask her whether is it ok or not if she does your make up and be your stylist," Bret said looking at Sally again. I see her sigh, then stand up. "Is it ok Sal?" I said quickly. "Hm, I mean you have a different schedule with Bret, how can I work for you while I need to work for Bret too," she said nervously. I don't know why she always looks so uncomfortable around me. I didn't do anything tho. Well, I did make fun of her. But It just for fun I thought to myself. "No worries Sal, for the next few months James and I are going to have a same schedule, we are working on the same project, so it's ok if you want to accept that Job," Bret said to her, I can see the way she looked at Bret, like whatever Bret said can calm her down. She just nodded. "Ugh okay then I can work for you too James." She said.

Good, one thing is done, the other one is how can I pass this hard days if I know that I'm still going to meet and work together with Alexis. I don't want us to break up. I love her too much. But I also know that if I ask her to stay, she would freak out again another time if I do something she doesn't like. Why my life is so complicated?


That is Part 2, I really hope you guys enjoy this story, I promise I will update it as much as I can. And as soon as I can. Thank you for reading it. Much love x

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