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Part 8 - Jealousy

• Sally’s POV•

I was sleeping when my phone ring. I woke up, saw Leah calling me, I sat up and smile.

“Hello, Leah, I miss you!”

“Hello, Sal, oh I miss you too, how are you?”

“I’m sick, but I’m ok here, just woke up,”

“Oh you didn’t work?”

“No, I take day off, James was having interview only today and Bret is in Cebu,”

“James had interview? He left you alone while you are sick? Seriously Sal,”

“Yeah Leah, it’s ok, he was about to cancel, but I can’t let him to, he should be professional,”

“But are you serious he had interview? Not hanging out with his ex?”

Leah is still not fond of James. She still thinks that James was only pretending to be with me, cause she still furious about what James said on my birthday. But I still trying to assure her that James is not that bad.

“I’m sorry? What do you mean Leah?”

“Come on Sally, don’t you see it? It is all over the twitter and instagram, James and his ex, I don’t name her name, they were hugging and James kissed her forehead.”

I was kinda shock to hear what Leah has just said. I can’t believe it.

“Maybe it was old pict Leah, come on,”

“You don’t believe me? Seriously? I will just send you the pict, and you can assume it whether it is a recent pict or not,” she said

“Leah, don’t be mad at me. But I just don’t think James will do that,”

“Alright, I’m sorry Sal. But I will still send you ok, I also hope it was the old photo. I’m sorry that I disturb your sleep, get well soon ok? Do you still want to come back home? You will always have me okay? You can always count on me Sal,” she said

“Oh you made me want to cry. I know Leah, I can always count on you. You are like the older sister I never have,”

“Ugh, don’t need to remind me that I’m old. Okay?”

I burst laughing, “but you are still my favorite!” I exclaim

“Of course I am. Everyone will think the same, I really do miss you Sal,”

“Me too Leah, I do hope I can visit you soon,”

“Thats a must! By the way, I need to go right now, I will call you again later okay?”

And she hung up. Not a minute later my phone rang again, a new message which is from Leah.

I smiled this girl, I opened the message and saw it was a picture of James hugging Alexis. There’s another message appeared. Where I see James kissing Alexis’ forehead. James wore the same outfit as when he left earlier, which is mean this photos is not fake. I took a deep breathe.

Does James still not over Alexis? We got together not long after he broke up with her. And I know how deep he loved or can I say loves her.

Not long after I heard the front door opened, I hide my phone under my pillow and pretend to sleep.

10 minute passed there is still no sign of anyone.

I feel slightly sleepy and fell back asleep.

Until I heard James  wake me up with a bowl in his hand.

“Hey, wake up babe,” he said then kissed my forehead

“Hm James? You home?”

“Yes, I made you soup, let’s eat,” he said.

He feed me tho I told him I can eat by myself. I didn’t talk much, cause I wait for him to tell me that he met Alexis, not that I’m possesive, I just want both of us opened up to eachother. But no, he  only tell me the interview, nothing about meeting Alexis.

His phone rang, and he excused himself. As I was curious why he need to go to my balcony to answer a phone call, I decided to follow him.

• James’ POV•

I excused myself cause Alexis called me, I don’t want Sally to suspect something.

“Ugh hello James,” Alexis said

“Yea, Alexis, why?”

“Hm, can you help me?”

“What can I do to help you?”

“I forgot to bring my ket, and I can’t enter my home, since you have the key too, can you come here to pass it to me? Or I can just come to your place to take it?”

Oh yeah I forgot I still had her key.

“Ugh okay, I’ll just meet you at your place, Alexis. just wait me there,”

• Sally’s POV•

“Ugh okay, I’ll just meet you at your place, Alexis, just wait me there,” James said.

He was calling with Alexis, that’s why he need to go out to the balcony, I decided to soon back the place I sat. Pretending I don’t hear anything.

Not long after James come in. And smile at me.

“Are you feeling better now Sal?” He said.

I nodded. “Hm. That’s good, as much as I hate, I need to leave now, is it ok with you?” He asked.

I look up to him, “why you need to go? It just 7 PM,” I said not wanting him to go. Especially when I know he’s going to his ex’s place.

“Management called me, and tell me there is a meeting I need to attend in about half an hour,” James said.

Lies. He lied. You are a liar James. I closed my eyes.

“Hm, if it is about work then ok, have fun James.” I said sarcastically, and walk over to my bed and pretend to sleep.

I heard James sigh but just a moment later I heard my bedroom door closed. James is gone.

I suspect all the thing. Does James just realized that he still loves Alexis? Are they going to be back together?

Why am I so Jealous? I’ve never been like this. But there is still a lil part of my heart telling me that James is not going back to Alexis.

They ended their relationship for a reason right?


Yep! Part 8 enjoy guys. Thanks for reading, much loves  xx

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