Part 1 - Life Changing Decision

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"This is what I need to do", I told myself for the 10 times already in the past 5 minutes. I'm 19 and a freelance make up artist. I got an email a couple days ago from this one actor who lives in Philippines offering me a job as his personal make up artist. I didn't think twice to accept that offer cause that is a one big chance to start new career there. But yesterday my boyfriend was yelling at me telling me that I can't accept that job cause he doesn't want me to go abroad and having a Long Distance Relationship. But the stubborn me was yelling back and telling him that we could just break up and get over eachother.


"NO! You can't go there Sally Patricia Anderson! You can't just leave me like that!", My boyfriend, Josh yelled in front of my face. "Of course I can and I want to. You're not my parents Josh! You can't tell me what I can and what I can't do!", I yelled back. "Jesus Christ! Stop being so stubborn for once, you can't leave me, Sally. I don't want to have a long distance relationship", Josh said and facing me. I can see that he's hurt just by the looks  he gave me. But I can't just say no to that offer. I was so freaking happy when I got that email. This is like dream comes true. Me, Sally Patricia Anderson is being offered a job as a Make up Artist for the Philippines most wanted actor. This is a big chance for my career and my future.

I take a deep breath, then staring at the guy in front of me, whom I have been dating for the past 2 years. "I'm sorry, Josh. This is what I always want to. And I got the chance. I can't just throw that chance out of the window." I said back. "Then what will happen with us, Sal?" Josh asking me I can see the fear in his eyes. By dating him for such a long time I can tell just by the looks he gave me. "This is the end then Josh," I said and close my eyes. Deep down it is so hard for me to say. But, this is what I need to do.

Josh punch the wall behind me, I flinch, I was so scared. He always got so angry and would do something that will hurt me. "Seriously, Sally? What do you mean this is the end? Are you really ending our 2 years relationship over something dumb?" Josh said slowly but I can still feel the tension between us. "Y..y..yes Josh. I I w want this," I stuttered. Josh punch the wall once again before walking to the door out of my house without saying anything. I just closed my eyes and I can feel my tears streaming down my face. "I'm sorry." I said

• End of FLASHBACK •

And here I am just finished packing my things. I need to be in Philippines today. Cause I will start my job tomorrow. I really hope that I made the right choice by leaving my Hometown Indonesia. "Are you ready to go now Sall?" My bestfriend Leah said. I forgot that she's coming to pick me up to the airport. "Oh you scared me! Yeah I am ready, I can't wait." I said unsure. "You sure this is what you want? It's like everything happened the last couple days were too fast?" Leah said. "No, Leah. I really want this job. This is my chance. Now, let's go and take me to the airport so I won't miss my flight.

Here I am waiting for my flight. It's 5:38 PM and my flight leave at 7:00 PM. "Yes, Sally you want this. You won't regret this." I said to myself.


"Hey, are you Sally?" a guy asked me. He was wearing a sunglasses and a black hat. Wearing a white t-shirt and black jeans. "Um, yeah. And you?" I asked unsure. "Okay good, I've been waiting for you, now let's go I'm James, Bret asked me to pick you up cause he is stuck in a traffic," this James guy said and pull my hand. "NO! How can I know that you are saying the truth? That you are not one of the rapist?" I said stopping myself in the middle of the crowd. "Seriously? You think that I am a rapist? Hell, why did I say yes to Bret for picking you up," he said more to himself and typing something in his phone.

"This, hear it!" He told me and handing me his phone. "Hello, Sally. I'm Bret Jackson that hired you to be my personal make up artist. Sorry I can't pick you up cause I'm still stuck in a traffic. But, I got mh bestfriend, James to pick you up. Don't worry, he'll take you to my place. Just wait me there," a voicenote from Bret I guess. I'm looking at my feet, "why you are you so stupid Sally!" I said to myself in a very low voice. "Believe me now?" James asked taking back his phone from my hand. "Let's go before anyone recognize me," he said and walked past me. Wait. Why would he said that? Is he a celebrity too? "Ah, just forget it," I said then followed him.

"Are you hungry? Bret said you supposed to be here 2 hours ago. Which is I guess your flight got delayed," James said, "N n no," I stutter then my stomach is growling. "HAHAHAHA seriously? I can hear it," James burst in laughter. Damn! This guy. "Maybe a little," I said. "Alright, let's just go to Bret's place first then I will order chinese for us. Is it okay with you?" he said. I just nodded my head. Can my day just end? I can feel like I start to hate this James guy. He is so confusing, he can be that kind guy then seconds later he can just be so annoying. Luckily I will work with Bret not him. After the long 30minutes drive, we finally arrived at Bret's my boss place. I got out of the car quickly and take my luggage. James? He just walked past me to the front door. Yes! You guys got it right He didn't even offer to help me.

That's part 1 yeah I'm so happy this is my really first story. And I have been imagining it for months! And I'm so happy to finally can publish this for you guys. Hope you will love the story!

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