Chapter 27

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I left my hand there for days. Never removing it. I would trace circles and his heart rate would go up then relax slightly. I loved him so much... "Claire? Honey do you want to go out for a bit?" Paul asked me while John came up behind him putting his arms around his shoulders. "Im okay I promise. I want George though." I whined Paul looked at John and they both looked at the floor. "He's gone into the city. He's worried about you Claire..." Paul whispered. "I want him in the room please..." I whined again. "Let's get him...if it will make her happy..." John sighed. I smiled weakly. It had been a month. The boys and I practically lived in Ringos room. I didn't want to leave fear something would happen again.

A few hours later George returned and I stood up, my hand still not leaving Ringo's body.

"Claire you should really take your hand off of him..." He said cautiously "but...I'm scared..." I said.. "I know honey.." He whispered while pulling me in for a hug. I actually took my hand off of Ringo and hugged George. It was a nice feeling. I felt safe. But not as safe as I do with Ringo. "I don't want to leave him I just want to stay by his side." I said while still hugging George. "Honey I know just please please try and get sleep." He said nervously. It was 11pm and I was exhausted. I had a separate bed brought into the room so I could lay next to Ringo. I laid next to him and George got on the couch. "Goodnight George.." I said sleepily. "Goodnight honey I'll be here if you need me" he said before turning over. I found my way to Ringos hand and they were slightly cold but warm. Which I hope meant a good sign.

I held his hand and then I felt him squeeze back...was he waking up....

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