Chapter 24

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After the EMT's checked us all out, the cops took Pete away to jail. Finally. The cops also gave Paul, John, George and I, a ride back to the city hospital to see Ringo. I was shaking nervously the whole time and Paul kept pulling me close to his body to make me shop shaking.

We finally reached the hospital and I ran toward the door crying. "M'am are you alright?" A lady asked me. "Yeah yeah, just where is Ringo Starr's room?" I said while tears streamed down my face. "Oh, oh! Oh my god you're Claire and-" she was caught off guard when seeing the other boys. "You're the kids that went missing for a week and a half?! Right?!" She asked. "Yeah we are.." "God I'm glad you're all alright but yeah Ringo is in surgery....the doctors are really worried about him." My heart dropped. I felt a hand on my shoulder and looked up to a crying George. I pulled him in for a hug and sobbed into his chest. "If you guys want to wait in the recovery waiting room I'll let the doctors know y'all are here" the woman offered. I held George's hand and nodded to the woman.

We all walked to the recovery room in silence. I held George's hand and Paul and John were hugging while walking. We found a cluster of chairs and a couch. John and Paul sat next to one another, George sat on the couch, while not letting go of my hand and pulled me on top of him. "He loves you so much Claire...he will always love you" George whispered into my ear. I started sobbing while hugging George tightly. He hugged back and we squeezed each other for over an hour. "Claire? Claire Starr?" We weren't even married...did he say that was my name? The tears formed as I got up off of George and walked toward the doctor

(Don't worry y'all I'm double updating)

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