Chapter 28

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I awoke to the doctors flipping out again. "He's not breathing, HES NOT BREATHING." I jerked my head up to doctors surrounding Ringo. "THERES SALIVA STUCK SOMEBODY GET A TUBE" one doctor yelled. I felt hands pick me up bridal style.. George. Paul and John were sitting on the couch worriedly. I hugged George as they put more and more tubes on Ringo. I sobbed into George as he pulled me closer to him. I jumped from George's arms as They got his breathing back to normal as I stood over his bed. He was pale, sweaty and his beautiful eyes were closed. I gripped the bed again and sobbed hard. "Ringo....oh Ringo....please wake up....please..." I said while sobbing

*please wake up I love you* I thought as I gripped the bed turning my knuckles white.

The months went by, soon it turned into 8 months since he had last opened his eyes. I was always tired, I was always crying and sobbing. I practically lived in my sweat pants and Ringos t shirt. It smelled like him and I would sit there and cry while wiping my tears on his shirt. George was always with me, he would hold me and occasionally cry while holding me. I barley ate but I was constantly drinking water. One day, around Christmas time a doctor pulled me aside and had a worried look on his face. "We wanted to talk to you. It's going to be a year soon since he'd gone into this coma. Should we take him off of life support? He's barley made progress." The doctor asked. My heart sank farther than it ever had, bringing a huge huge pain into my

Chest while I fought back a river of tears. "No no please don't...please.." I begged. "We won't. We just can't keep continuing to do this unless he makes some progress." That's when I remembered. "2 months ago I held his hand and he squeezed it." I said while tears ran down my face. The doctors eye went wide, "he did?! That's fantastic! We will definitely keep him on if he does that again, that means he should be making or trying to come out of this coma" oh thank goodness. I ran to the room and told George. He looked shocked then his face softened when I told him about Ringo squeezing my hand.

I hope he makes it...I can't handle

Much more of this.

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