Chapter one

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It's a dark and stormy night...

"Just kidding its midnight. The eve of my 16 birthday. One more day till I'm 16.. Wow.. I can't believe it. My mom doesn't really care but it's 1957 what teenage girl wouldn't be excited about their birthday . I'm rambling really but oh well. Tomorrow, er..well today I'm supposed to go see my friend Paul..oh lovely lovely Paul McCartney. I wouldn't mind snogging him or his friend john. Well really I would snog George also. Hah now I'm really getting carried away," I think as I turn over in my bed.

"I love going to watch them practice and Paul is always blushing at me and smiling ever so sweetly.. He's so kind..but so are the rest of the boys." My mind is racing as i try and think of a way to get some sleep. I finally turned off my brain and shut my eyes. "God this is going to be a long day" my mind added just before I fell asleep

I awoke to my alarm sounding. It was 11:30 am I had to be at the Paul's by 1:00. I flung myself out of bed and ran down the hall to the shower. After I dried my hair I threw on my best outfit and slipped on my sandals. A million things were going through my head as I tried to make sure I had everything for the day. But my mind turned to my memory for a minute. "Paul said he wanted to introduce me to someone? Or was it he wanted to introduce me to a new song?" Great. I have to dress like I'm meeting someone new. I changed outfits twice before realizing it was 12:45 and I had to take the bus down to Paul's place. The streets of Liverpool can be very crowded and that meant the bus could be terrible. I shook my head, clearing the thought from my mind and grabbing my purse off my bed and running out the door to catch the bus.

The bus wasn't too bad even though it is a Saturday afternoon. I finally reached Paul's place and requested a stop. I jumped off the bus and ran toward his tiny apartment. *buzz* *buzz* I pushed the intercom impatiently until I heard a familiar voice. "Clarice is that you?" Paul's lovely voice echoed through the intercom and I couldn't help but smile. "Y-yes" I stuttered. *buzz* the door opened and I checked myself once more in the reflection of the door and climbed a flight of stairs until I heard the familiar sounds of a bass echoing through the hall. I followed the sounds to the apartment labeled "2A". I brushed down my shirt one last time and knocked on the door.

Paul opened the door and smiled and gestured for me to come in. That's when I saw him.

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