Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

The four bodies of the boys I loved the most...I walked by all of them, thank god they were all still breathing. I was sobbing but I sat by Ringo and cried into my hand while the other was gripping my injured shoulder. "Claire?" I heard a faint whisper. "George?!?" I said as I sobbed. "Come here legs hurt" he said while crying. I moved toward his body and leaned him against the broken corvette. "George...I'm so sorry.." I sobbing into his chest while he wrapped his arms around me. I looked up at him. His beautiful hair was swept to the side and he had a cut under his right eye and a bruise on the left side of his jaw, part of his face had black dirt on it but he looked so upset. "Claire I love you more than anything please please...don't ever sit alone again..." His eyes were closed but tears were spilling down his cheeks. "I-I want Ringo to wake up...I want the others to wake up" I bawled. "Shhhh shhhh it's okay.." He whispered while crying and hugging me tighter than ever before. I heard some faint whisper, sounded like someone was saying my name. "Claire...Claire please...where are you...I love you so much..." Ringo. It was Ringos voice. I snapped my head around, "owww" I yelped in pain, my neck... I met Ringos eyes and I sobbed into George. "Ringos jaw was bleeding and his face was covered in scratches and dirt. "Come here please Ringo please..." I begged while sobbing. He dragged himself slowly across the ground. with every movement his arms and legs kept shaking. I sobbed harder and harder as his weak body moved closer to me. He finally perched himself up against the corvette and i moved him closer with the strength I had. I lost it I had lost it. I sobbed harder and harder into Ringo as George's arms were wrapped around my small body and Ringo cuddled me against him 2. The three of us were wrapped together and I was so upset and happy I was bawling. "Claire please stop crying...please..I love you so much" Ringo whispered in my ear.

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