Chapter Nineteen: She's back!

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Sorry for the wait! 



Screams continue to erupt from the crowd as the scared students wait for the lights to turn back on. A man's loud yell breaks through the noise, and the gym becomes silent. 

"Alright," the same man says," We seem to be experiencing some difficulties. It appears that someone has cut the cables for the electricity. It is going to take a couple hours to repair. So the school board has decided that it is best if all students will go home."

Students begin murmuring to themselves and asking how they will get home. People try to get up and move towards the two exits, but the man starts to speak again.

"Please, Sit back down. We will let all of the students phone their parents. The buses will also be driving students home. Wait just a little bit longer, we will bring in a generator to power lights until you leave. Please sign out on the sheet by the door as you leave."

I can barely make out the shape of two  men as the enter through the gym doors. They are carrying the generator and in a few minutes the lights slowly turn back on one by one.

Starting with the younger grades, students climb off of the bleachers to follow teachers with phones. A teacher comes and directs all of the people in my grade to a certain section of the gym.

Everyone in my grade seems to be talking with his or her groups. Since no one really knows me yet; I figure that no one will notice me.

I slip away from the group and quietly and creep towards the exit. Students squabble about the power outage and school being over. I get quite a few stares from some suspicious teachers  and students as I walk past them.

Oneteacher grabs my arm and says " Please go back to your group, this is not the time to be wondering around!"I wiggle out of her  grasp and walk away with my head low.

 When I reach the table with the sheets on it, the teacher standing there sloppily points to the papers. I quickly scribble my name on the sheet and sneak through the door.

My mom’s car is stopped in the parking lot along with other anxious parents. Angry parents honk at the cars ahead of them while I walk to the car.

Grabbing the door handle, I yank it open and hop inside.

“Piper! What’s going on?” asks my mom frantically.

“Well, I went to the gym and this guy started to announce something about the year and the lights turned off and people screamed and the lights wouldn’t comeback on and the guy said that someone cut the wires and-“

“Piper, please calm down, it’s not like this was your fault!”

I watched in horror as my mom’s face twisted and formed into April’s . She grinned at me before whispering, “It was mine!”



 Sorry for the really short chapter and for the cliff hanger! I will try to update soon! i couldn't really think of anything  else to add :( The song  on the side has  nothing to  dowith the story, but I was listening to  it while  I wrote this chapter!


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