Chapter Sixteen: Left Alone

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I stared the laptop screen until my eyes hurt. I finally gave up on reading the message again and again hoping that it would somehow give me a clue on the locket's where abouts.

I flopped down on my bed and closed my eyes." If you try to find the key, you will regret it." I murmured to my self as turned over onto my stomach.

As I lay on my bed two things popped into my mind. The first one was that the warning was going to be engraved in my mind forever. The second one was that I thought the shadow master must be pretty smart to know how to use word and a laptop!

Pushing those random thoughts to the back of my mind, I grunted and rolled off of my bed and onto the floor. Standing up, I reached for my nightstand for the locket, but remembered that it was gone. Frowning I walked out of my room and down the stairs.

I tapped my stomach to a beat of some song I didn't know the name of as I walked into the kitchen. I was about to sit on a chair with a banana, but my stomach growled and reminded me that I was hungry for more then a banana.

I searched through the fridge and found a bag of turkey. I walked over to the cupboard under the slot that we are going to put a microwave in if we ever get one. Opening the door I pull out bread and chips.

At the counter I begin to make a sandwich when the door bell rings.I listen hopefully for the distinctive sound of my mom's slippers on the hardwood, but I don't hear anything.

I survey the kitchen for any dirty dishes that would tell me if my dad or mom were still home. To my disappointment, I found a sticky note with a message from my mom on it.

In her messy cursive were the words gone out to school for a talk before school starts tomorrow <3 mom and dad!

I groaned as the doorbell rang again, walking slowly towards the door I peeked through a curtain at the door from the side.

Standing in front of the door was a delivery man in way too short khaki shorts. He is holding a package. He seems impatient and is tapping his foot. Eventually he begins to dance real badly across the house's porch.

As he attempts to moon walk, he falls off of the porch and into the bushes. I can't help but start to laugh as he struggles to stand up. I start to laugh even harder as he stands up but falls over into another bush.

He starts to curse before he finally gets back up onto the porch. He grabs the package and chucks it at the front door, then he leaves and storms back to his mail truck.

The package lands with a thump on the ground, I check if the delivery guy is gone before opening the front door. The package lays on it's side a foot away from the door. I carefully pick it up, bring it inside and set it on the kitchen counter. I am curious about what is inside it, so I check the label on the top it.

The package is addressed for my mom from some lady named Jen Crookes. Since it is addressed to my mom, i decided not to open it.

As I walk back to where my sandwich fixings are, Dominick comes traipsing into the kitchen. He eyes my sandwich hungrily before I shove him away with my foot. He whimpers and then growls before walking away to his overflowing food bowl.

I finish making my sandwich and sit down at the table. The daily newspaper still sits on the table open to the comics. I flip the pages back to the front. I see that the headline is exactly what I expected it to be. It was on the crash that April caused.

I was just about to take a big bite of my delicious turkey sandwich when the door bell rang again! Frustrated I threw my sandwich down on a plate before storming to the door. Expecting to see the mailman, I opened my mouth about to scream in his face, but when I opened the door, I saw Kim.

I shut my mouth before opening it again and saying" Uh hi? What are you doing here?" 

" I came to apologise for like screaming in your face and forcing you to listen to Justin Bieber for like a loong time. I was hoping that we could hang out tonight, my parents are out at like this conference thing, so ya." Kim said while rocking back and forth on her heels and toes.

" Um sure come on in, My parents are out at the school thing too." I told her.

" Sweet!" She yelped before skipping inside and into the living room.

I followed her to the room to find her sitting on the couch watching television. Dominick walked up sniffed her arm, licked her toes, barked once, then walked away up the stairs.

" Soo do you want to come up to my room? I have a t.v. up there too." I asked Kim.

" Mm k, wait one sec i wanna see this part! Have you seen the news about that crash! It was so weird! I mean who is stupid enough to fall off of an overpass!" She practically yelled in my ear.

" Ya come on!" I said 

I ran up the stairs and into my room. I sat on my bed and realized Kim wasn't here. i heard an bang and then an 'oof'. I slowly walked out of my room and saw Kim at the top o the stairs holding her foot,

" Oww! I slipped and tripped on the top stair!" Kim whined in a high pitched annoying voice.

I grabbed her hand and pulled her to my room. She layed in the loft and watched What would you do? on my flatscreen. Just when the people were about to get interviewed, The power flickered off leaving us in complete darkness.

There was a scream, then I was left alone in complete silence in the dark.


A/N: So wacha think? Sorry for not updating for awhile! i will alot more, i have been busy!  But now that school is out, i'll be updating more on both stories!

What do you think happenes?

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- Erica

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