Chapter six : The hungry attic

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        I slept quietly that night,not dreaming about anything. The next morning i went into the  forest. I took the locket and Dominick with me for protection and because i was scared to go all alone.I also took a can of pepper spray, you know...just in case.

I made my way west into the dark place.I held the locket in my hand , but  i fastened  it around  my neck just in Case  i  dropped it.I held Dominick's leash tightly against my side. I carefully stepped through the branches and trees  trying to find the clearing i saw before. Dominick gave a low belly growl and i started to run and push my way through the trees. I stopped  running when i noticed i wasn't having to push through any thing any more.

I looked down and saw i line under my foot.I followed the line and it formed a star shape.The compass rose! Dominick interrupted my thoughts when he gave a loud sharp bark.i whipped my head around to fast and i blacked out.

when i woke up I looked up and saw a  mass of black clouds.I looked more closely at them and started to run when i saw that they weren’t clouds but mist.I ran toward the east arrow but they were closing in on all sides. Pretty soon my vision was blocked by eerily  greenish black monsters. I thought that i was imagining it but i actually began to fall.

The ground closed up above me and i kept falling.

  I woke up screaming on the ground with Dominick drooling on me. I wiped my face and looked above me. there weren’t any weird shaped clouds. I slowly stood up and carefully walked back to my house.I went up to my room to go get the log out of my closet.

At my mere touch the log denigrated into black dust. After i swept it into the garbage i went back up to the attic to see if there were any more things hidden under the floor boards.

I climbed the stairs with a crowbar i found down stairs, and begun lifting floorboard, after floor board, after floor board but found nothing but attic stuffing in the floor and  really old installation. i began to search around in the fluff with  my phone for a flash light ,but found nothing but a dead rat.    

I walked back toward the ladder door but tripped (yes again)and got my leg stuck in the boards. i kept struggling but to my great surprise, my attic started to  swallow me.I was moving my arms widely tying to find something i could hold on to,but there was nothing but the smooth boards.I gave one last scream before it consumed me wholly.

      I fell to the ground on something like rough slimy dirt.Before i stood up my first thought was “oh my god,my attic just swallowed me”. But i came to my senses eventually after i through a fit and passed out...I started to panic again when  i realized that it was pitch black down under my attic/house.

 I stopped panicking when i realized that i still had my cell phone  in my pocket. I got it out of my pocket and turned it on. The beam didn't go far in one direction but it went on for what seemed like forever in the  other.

                   But the only problem was that  direction was up.

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