Chapter four: splattered glue

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     I walked downstairs the next day to find my parents drinking coffee and reading the paper.

“Hey dad do we have a ladder that we can get to the roof with?”

“I don’t think so but there is a door from the attic. I’m going up there today to check the roofing so you can come up with me”

I got dressed and met my dad on the roof. I looked to the west into the forest. I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw the clearing with the star in it. When I remembered what had happened next, I jogged over to my dad.

“ Honey will you get me the carpenters glue its over on the other side of the roof. Kind of where you were before”.

I watched my step as I walked over to the glue. I reached the edge and grabbed at the glue careful not to fall. Just as my fingers touched the glue it fell over the edge. I had reached too far after the glue and fell over the side.

I acted quickly and grabbed the gutter. I screamed for help as I began to slip. My dad caught me just in time. I shuddered as I saw the glue splattered all over the ground, that could have been me. I shuddered again before carefully walking through the door back into the house.


        My mom made a huge fuss over me when my dad told her what happened. She made sure of it that i would never go on the roof by my self or even near the edge again. After she was done giving me the rules  i went up stairs to my room still a little shaken up by my fall.

I couldn't help thinking about what would of happened if i really did fall. My thoughts were interrupted by the sudden darkness of my room. I ran to my window to see huge  angry black clouds surrounding our house.The clouds reminded me of the mist I had seen with the green eyes. I shut my blinds and lied down on my bed. I shut my eyes against the booming thunder and fell asleep.

My dream was different this time. I was standing in the clearing on the star. I felt as  if someone was watching me. I turned in a full circle to see if i could see any one or something. But i didn’t see anything.I couldn’t see anything . A sudden blanket of darkness surrounded me. I was blinded.

I fell to the ground on my back and my vision began to clear up. I was starring up at the sun. i shut my eyes and sat up blinking away the dots  in my vision. I looked at the star and realised it was a compass rose. There were a n,e,s, and w to mark the four directions. I stood up and  looked around  me again. All of a sudden something grabbed me by my back and lifted me off the ground. i screamed as i realized i was falling again. i landed on something soft this time i looked down and  saw ...nothing i was suspended in mid-air.  I flinched as i saw a bunch of the black mist in different animal shapes with  glowing green eyes. I willed myself to wake up because i could tell what was going to happen next. i felt  myself start to to slip.

I woke  up just as their hungry hands closed around my ankles.

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