Chapter Fifteen: The Warning

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 The images kept playing in my head; The semi truck smashing into the red car, April grinning, the car flipping over the side of the overpass. Thinking about the way she just disappeared into the cloud of  black mist gave me an uneasy feeling to my stomach. It made me think about the locket and how I forgot to wear it.

The whole ride home was filled with silence. The minute we got home I rushed into the house and up to my room. My worst fear was confirmed.

The locket wasn't on the nightstand where I left it this morning. " How could I be so stupid!" I yelled out loud.

I knew that I had to find the locket no matter what. Running over to my desk, I grabbed my laptop and ran out of my room. I ran all of the way to the little drawstring that hung from the ceiling. Pulling it down and climbing up the stairs, I sat down on the cold attic floor. Turning on the laptop, I typed  Idaho millionaires 516 Modoc avenue into Google.

Only one website suggestion came up it was the newspaper article about how the couple that had lived here, Mr. and Mrs. Courtney, Had died in the car crash. The article said:

Millionaire Couple Crashes

Mr and Mrs Courtney were idaho's only millionaire couple. They were known through out the United states. It was very sad when we learned the news of the untimely end in the car crash that happened on the street in front of their mansion. The other driver of the car that collided with theirs was never found. The Courtney's car was found with the front end smashed into a tree, the trunk was smashed into itself.       The couple died together right when the car hit the tree.

Since the other driver wasn't found it is possible that they got away unharmed or at east not fatally injured. Since the couple had no children, their massive fortune was given to charity an distant family members. Strangely enough, a huge portion of their money was never found along with many other prized possessions.

Only days earlier had Mr. Courtney bought a safe at a store out of the state. There was only one key that could open it. Many think this was the heart locket that Mrs. Courtney was seen wearing the final days before her death. But this locket was never found, neither was the safe.

The Courtney's were dearly loved and will be missed by all the residents of  Couerd' Alene.  

The article didn't give me very much information other than the crash happened by the house. The locket could be anywhere by now. I had a feeling that this had something to do with April. I thought and suddenly it all came together.

I left the house without the locket. When we went to the store, April bumped into me, I remember that she stared at me, but not in the eyes. She was looking at my neck it must have been to check if i was wearing the locket. Then when she saw I wasn't she ran away. To stall us from getting home, she caused the car crash, slowing down traffic. Then when she disappeared, she must have somehow reported to the rest of her shadow buddies. Then they must have somehow gotten in my house and stolen the locket from my room.  

Now it made sense, well sort of. I needed to take a brake, i carefully crawled back down the attic stairs into the hallway. I set the laptop in my room and went to the living room where my parents were watching the news. The News caster changed and the headline read The red car who ran the red light.

I watched as pictures of the mangled red car were shown on the ground. They were saying that the driver wasn't there and couldn't be found anywhere. I thought to myself 'Ya, 'cause she was a psycho who was made of mist!' 

My stomach twisted in an unpleasant way when the showed footage from the red light camera. It replayed the accident over and over. I could imagine the evil smile spreading across her lips everytime  the car was near the edge of the overpass.

i had had enough of the news and went back to my room without a word. When i sat on my bed and grabbed the laptop, it wasn't on Google anymore, It was on Word, and there was something typed on the screen.

If you try to find the key, you'll regret it.

You have been warned

- The Master of Shadows


Yay, another Chapter!

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