CHAPTER 27: Rosemary

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"What's that?" I asked. 

"It's part of dark magic. It's the symbol for a secret convenant of our kind. Oh my god." I gasp. 

"What's the matter?" He asks me. 

"I know who took your mother." I tell him. 

Before he could say anything, we hear someone come running inside and when we look to see it was his father, he ran up to us both and right away wrapped his arms around Peter and hugged him tight. 

"Oh my god, I'm so glad you guys are all okay." He says. 

"Dad, Rosemary knows who took mom." Peter tells him. 

Eli looks at me. 

"Please, tell me." He asks with so much plead in his voice.

"The Red Robes." I tell him. 

"The who?" He asks. 

"The Red Robes. They're part of a secret covenant that had been locked away for centuries, but somebody has opened that chamber." I tell him with guilt. 

"Tell me everything you know about them and then take me to where they are." He says. 

"Of course." I reply. 

"Alright. I'm gonna get everyone together and we'll leave tonight." Eli says. "And son? I wan't you to stay here with your sister and Jenny." 

"No, I'm going with you guys. I'm not letting Rosemary go without me." Peter tells him. 

"But Peter, I can't risk losing you." His dad begins to tell him. 

"Dad, please. She's my mom and it is my duty to protect my mate also." Peter explains. 

He nods in agreement. 

"Alright. Get your pack ready to leave in a few hours and Rosemary? Please meet me in the office and we'll go over everything." He says to me. 

"Of course." I tell him. 

He heads over to his office and I follow Peter over to the couch.

"I'm really sorry." I began. 

"It's not your fault. But I don't want you to go with us. It's too dangerous." He says. 

"But I have to. You guys will never get past the guards there. They'll know you're coming." I try to explain to him. 

"Just like my father is towards my mom, I'm towards you. I don't want to lose you. You have given me so much more than I could ever give back to you. I've fallen in love with you." He says not breaking eye contact with me. 

"And I've fallen in love with you. However, the way you feel about trying to protect me by having me stay here, I feel that way towards you. Your mother is a fighter and although I'm not a wolf and it is MY kind that has caused this, I fear that I will lose you too when I could've helped. So you see, leaving me here, it's not protecting me, it would hurt me." I choke back on a few tears. 

I notice him beginning to tear up a little as well. He cups my face and leans his forehead onto mine and then gently presses his lips onto mine. 

"Just promise me something." He says under his breath. 

"Okay." I reply. 

"Promise me that when this is all over, promise me that you will marry me and grow old with me as we watch our kids have some of their own." He says while trying hard to fight back tears. 

"I promise." I tell him. 

"Tell me." He says. 

"I promise that when this is all over, I will marry you and grow old with you as we watch our kids have some of their own also." I tell him. 

He then kisses me again and we both stand, take each other's hand and start heading into the office to go over a plan. 

After a couple of hours pass by and we all get ready, we head out. But before leaving the castle, I make sure to place a type of spell to help hide their wolf scents from the warlocks being able to smell them. 

Once we arrive at the back end of the rundown smaller castle than most, I turn to look at everyone. 

"Okay. Now before we go in, the spell I placed on all of you to hide your scent, it won't last much longer. And whatever you do, never and I mean NEVER look into their eyes, these warlocks are not like others. They are in to ancient dark magic and if wolves look into their eyes, they will take every last breath you have, out of you after they inflict internal pain first to torture you. So as long as you don't do that, you'll be fine. And also, please keep in mind that even though don't have your physical strengths, they can easily kill you by what they know and their ability to control you." I remind them all. 

Everyone nodded in agreement as they turned into their wolf forms. I take one look at Eli and a look at Peter before turning around, taking in a deep breath and everyone had spread out except for Eli, Peter and a few others that followed behind me but not too close. 

Here we go. This is it. I'm about to go up against a magic war with a covenant that could easily kill everyone, including me. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :);)    Sorry for the late postings guys, just had bad brain farts all day today. Not sure in why but, since it's 2 AM my time right now almost, I couldn't go to sleep without posting a chapter for this one, the Mates Forever!? one and then next is Danger.....Curves Ahead one also. Then after I wake up and get done with my errands, I'll be posting more chapters of course. Hope you all have a great day and enjoy your guys' day tomorrow......Or actually, I should say today. lol. Again, thanks for all your love and patience with me. You guys have no idea what you mean to me. :):)

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