CHAPTER 17: Rosemary

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When we woke up the next morning, I reached over to the side of me in bed and felt nothing. I then open my eyes and confirmed Peter wasn't there. 

I roll onto my back and rub my eyes so that I wake up more and then I see the door open up and in walks Peter, carrying a breakfast tray. 

"Good morning beautiful." He smiles as he sets the tray beside me on the bed. 

"Good morning." I smiled in return. 

He gives me a good morning kiss on the lips. 

"You hungry?" He asks me. 

"Yeah." I smile. "Thank you. But, this is a lot of food." I chuckle. 

"Well, I was hoping you'd share." He winks. 

Wow, I feel embarrassed. Of course he needed to eat also. 

"Right." I blushed. 

"You're so beautiful in the morning and when you blush." He compliments. 

"Thank you." I smile. 

"So, you still okay doing this?" He asks me. 

"Yeah." I reply while suddenly remembering. "Just a little nervous." I confess. 

"Don't be. My parents are gonna love you. My sister and Jasper do already." He smiles. 

"And I like them too." I tell him. 

We kiss each other again before we start eating. Then after we were finished with breakfast, I was getting ready to take a shower and after turning on the water and getting it to the right temperature, I let my hair down after taking out my hair tie and look in the mirror before removing my clothes when I for some reason, begin looking at my neck longer than usual and began thinking about how werewolves have to mark their mates. He hasn't marked me yet. Is that a bad thing? Can't they die or get hurt or even grow weak without mating or at least marking? We're already about to get into some shit most likely, so might as well have him at least mark me and worry about the mating process later. 

So I take in a deep breath and let it out before calling out to Peter. 

"Peter?" I call out to him. 

"Yes?" I hear him answer on the other side of the bathroom door.

"Can you please come in for a minute?" I asked. 

I see through the mirror the door opening up and him standing behind me. 

"Yes baby? Are you okay?" He asks. 

I turn around to face him feeling a little nervous, but not in a bad way. I then nod. 

"I'm fine. I just, I wanted to ask you something." I began. 

"Okay." He replies. 

"How soon do you have to wait to mark your mate?" 

"Well, the sooner the better. But Rose, I'm not gonna force or rush you into anything until you're ready. I can wait." He tries to assure me. 

"I know you would. But, although I'm not sure yet about the mating part, I um, I want you to mark me." 

He lifts my chin up to have me look into his eyes.

"Are you sure?" 

"Yes." I assure him with a smile. "Please. I wan't others to know that I'm yours, even though I can't do the same with you but..." I start to say but he cuts me off. 

"Trust me baby, I'm gonna let everyone in the world know that I'm yours." He assures me with a smile. 

I start blushing as he leans forward to kiss my lips and I feel him gently place his hand on the side of my face while continuing to kiss me and then starts kissing me on my neck as I tilt it over to the side giving him more access to mark me. 

His kisses feel amazing and I know I can't feel what a she wolf would when her mate kisses and marks her 'spot' but, I don know that I love how he makes me feel when he touches me and how he kisses me. 

I feel his mouth open up and feel his canines skim along my neck and then a sharp pain shoots through my neck and throughout my body but only lasts for a brief moment before it turns into a euphoric pleasurable feeling, making me moan and grip onto his hair. I then feel him lick the spot he just marked me at and pull his head back to look at his marking and looks at me and smiles.

"Now I'm yours." I smile at him. 

"Always." He smiles in return. 

 Then he kisses me again and we both take a shower together before we get dressed and head over to talk with his parents.

I hope this goes good........

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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