CHAPTER 10: Peter

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I couldn't believe that my sister and my Second in Command were mates. Not that they aren't good for each other but still, she's my little sister and I just, I'm in shock. 

However, I do feel a little taken back and a little hurt that when Sophie snapped at me and threatened to tell our parents about my mate being Rosemary, a witch, I felt for a brief moment that I didn't know who she was. The sister I know would never try and blackmail me like that or threaten to do that to me. 

I was furious so I dropped them off and am now driving over to Rosemary's house to drop her off. 

Once we pull up, I continue not taking my eyes off the road in front of me as I turn the engine off and park the car. 

"Are you alright?" I hear Rosemary's soothing voice ask me. 

I look over at her and smile. 

"Yeah. I'm just in shock." I tell her. 

"They make a good couple. Plus, not to mention that she's in good hands, I'm sure." She smiles at me. 

"Yeah. You're right." I smile at her. 

"Can I ask you something?" She asks me. 

"Anything." I reply. 

"Have you found your mate?" 

I look at her without saying anything right away and trying really hard not to tell her that she's my mate. 

"Yes." I reply as I close my eyes. 

"Is it me?" She asks. 

I quickly snap my head back to looking at her and am not sure in how to answer as I can't read her expression on her face. But, I guess, if she is gonna reject me, might as well be now so that I can get the pain over with. 

"Yes." I nod. 

We share a brief moment of silence before I hear her start talking.

"And you knew I was since that day we first met, didn't you?" She asks. 

"Yes." I reply again. "And I understand if you want to reject me. I know that our kinds are very rare as far as mate's go, but I feel that it's more than just the 'mate' pull. Before my wolf told me that you were my mate, I already felt something towards you. I can't explain it and I know I probably sound crazy but, when I did find out that you were my mate already, I felt myself come alive. I felt calm, nervous and yet, happier than I've ever been." I confess. 

There's silence again between us but the moment lasts a little longer. Which makes me feel more nauseous as I dread the next words that will come out of her mouth. 

"Well, I feel the same way about you. Ever since that day in the woods that you saved my life I couldn't stop thinking about you. In fact, when I came into the woods today I had hoped to see you again." She tells me as I look and notice her nervously bite her lower lip as she looks down at her hands on her lap, fidgeting. 

My wolf howls and yells in excitement deep inside, as do I. So I smile bigger than I have ever in my life and take her hand into mine and interlace our fingers together as she looks at me and starts to smile back at me. 

I can't believe she has accepted this and isn't looking at me like I'm crazy. I slowly lean forward and place my hand gently onto the side of her face while looking into her eyes and gently stroking her cheek with my thumb before leaning in more and gently pressing my lips against hers. 

I'm still in a little disbelief that this is really happening still. I still think I'm going to wake up and find out this is all a dream or a trick or something. But I know it's not. The Moon Goddess would never be so cruel. Besides, I deserve to be happy as does she. 

When we pull our heads apart to catch our breaths, I lean my forehead against hers and we just sit there for a moment. 

"You have no idea how happy you've made me." I tell her. 

"There is something I must tell you." She says and she sits back for a moment before continuing. "My father is one of the most powerful warlocks left of his kind and he does not like werewolves. I am afraid of what he will do to you if he ever found out." She tells me worried. 

I squeeze her hand a little while assuring her that no matter what, we will still be together. It didn't matter who approved and who didn't. 

I then walk her to her door, kiss her goodnight and promise to see her again tomorrow. 

It wasn't until I was on my way back to the castle that I realized that the one person I could even talk to about this and accepting us being mates, I was still upset with. 

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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