Chapter 23

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The room is filled with silence. Only the sound of the laces that tighten my corset, and the soft brush that pulls through my hair can be heard. The silence is filled on occasion with the soft rustle of fabric, but other than that, no one says a word.

All of the maids work tirelessly to make sure a hair isn't out of place and the dress fits perfectly on me. But with each stitch, I feel my emotions slipping further and further away from me. Even Ismena's small gesture isn't enough to comfort me.

I've been dreading this day while also waiting for it to get here. I go over the plan in my head daily, hoping to miss nothing. Because one false move, one forgotten thing could end the life of everyone who is involved. It's a heavy burden to carry, but it is my burden. My burden as the last Ikniri, and the one that will deliver these men and these people from the clutches of their king.

They all believe in me enough to put their lives in my hands and because of that I haven't been able to eat, sleep, or drink. Each time Cassian would look at me, my heart would seize in my chest. For sure I thought he knows. He must know. But he doesn't. He has no idea that the men he holds dear are all about to betray him.

"Almost done, your majesty," one of the servants says as she places the veil in my hair, and spreads it on either side of my face. She steps around to my face, pushing the stray curls behind my ears, smiling at me.

"There. Perfect." She steps aside and lets me look into the full mirror. I let out a soft gasp when I see myself. I look beautiful. The gown is beautiful. Elegant. And it shines like a thousand jewels have been sewed into it. It's pure white, matching the color of my hair, and I take note that there is a sapphire around my throat, matching my eyes.

"The King is very lucky."

I hold back the remark threatening to exit my lips, and just look at myself. There's a small knock on the door, and one of the servants move to open it revealing Caius. All the maids bow and immediately leave the room. Our gazes meet from the mirror. He steps into the room, not saying a word. Not breaking eye contact until he is standing directly behind me.

My gaze travels to the uniform he is wearing.

"I'm here to escort you to the chapel," he says softly.

I nod my head, looking back into the mirror. Looking at myself one last time, before everything changes. Before the day works for or against me, or before I am responsible for countless peoples' deaths. I turn away from the mirror, looking at Caius. I don't say anything. I just search his eyes for the same emotions that I am feeling, but I don't find it.

"I'm scared," I whisper. A small frown appears on his lips.

"I know," he says. He reaches out, placing his finger under my chin, and bending over so that he is eye level with me.

"I, Caius of the Xindrite, do pledge my undying loyalty to you, Neytiri of the Ikniri. I swear to give my life to you wholeheartedly and live out my days doing your bidding. You are the reason for my existence. I will let nothing happen to you. I will die before I let that happen," he says. He holds his hand out.

"Will you accept me as your vessel, Neytiri?" he murmurs.

I'm at a loss for words. Surely Cassian can hear everything he's saying. He must know. Caius must know the direction of my thoughts. Caius seems to sense the direction of my thoughts, offering me a smile.

"Cassian is far too busy to be keeping tabs on me today," he says softly. His smile drops.

"Will you accept me, Neytiri?" he asks. I slowly place my hand in his. His palm is warm.

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