Chapter 4

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My muscles tense, and I stumble back, tripping over my feet. I hit the ground hard, still moving back until I feel solid wall against my back. My heart is beating out of my chest, and I look around the room in complete terror, unable locate the intruder. I can't sense anyone in here. Yet I know he's here.

"I asked you a question." The voice comes from the pitch black.

"Who are you?" I squeak. Silence. I feel warm hands around mine, and try and pull away, but they immediately tighten holding me captive.

"I'm not going to hurt you," the voice says. And I believe it. His voice is so soothing. I feel his hands move from mine to where my heart is banging against my chest.

"Breathe," he says softly. So I do. I breathe, letting out my shaky breaths, until I've calmed myself. I feel a slight pull on my hands and realize he's helping me up from the floor. He takes me across the room, and gently sits me down on soft material that holds up my weight.

I feel his thumbs run across my cheek, wiping my tears.

"Tell me why you are crying. I've done nothing to harm you," he says. I open my mouth but nothing comes out. I'm scared.

"How do I know you won't in the future," I say. He lets out a soft laugh.

"You'll know with time." I can only hear the direction of his voice, but I can't see a thing.

"Why am I in the dark?" I ask. I hear the rustle of fabric, and realize he's shifting.

"You'll understand in due time," he says. I fidget with my fingers.

"Why am I here?" I ask. He seems to have no problem with answering my questions, so I try and get them out as fast as I can before he changes his mind.

"Because your people brought you here," he says. I can hear the amusement in his voice.

"Why did you keep me? Why not kill me? I'm the last Ikniri. The world wants me dead, why not you?" I ask. There's a slight pause.

"You're more use to me alive," is all he says. I open my mouth to ask another question, but he beats me to it.

"I have answered your questions, but you've yet to answer mine. Why are you crying?" he asks once again.

I look down, and begin fidgeting with my hands again in the dark.

"The men that brought me in... they killed the woman that raised me..." I choke on a sob.

"They burned her at the stake." I finish with a fresh new set of tears. Silence. I feel his hands around my shoulders, comfortingly.

"Those men have paid for their sins with their lives," he says. I shudder as I remember the sounds of their payment.

"You killed them," I say.


"Why?" I ask.

"They brought you in, offering you as a gift to me, yet your face and body was bloodied and bruised. I think that's an insulting offer for a king, don't you?" he asks.

"You're the king... the new king... the blood king..." I say quietly.

"I've always been the king. It was a matter of taking back what belonged to me," he says. He speaks to me like you would a child. I can hear the authority in his voice, but also the patience.

"It's getting late. You must be exhausted from the journey here, especially with everything you've had to endure. I will send for a servant to come and help you to sleep. I will send for you very soon," he says. I don't say anything.

The Blood Kingजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें