Chapter 22

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Husband and wife. I never thought about love. Not once in my life. I always thought that I would die alone. I'm an Ikniri after all. Cursed. Even when I left the forests, it never crossed my mind. But now, I am engaged.

The room is silent as the servants' dress and style my hair. I look over to where Cassian is standing looking at the maps that are sprawled out across his table. The world. He wants the world. And he expects my presence to give it to him. I wish I knew more about my people and my past. I wouldn't be so lost now.

"Leave us," Cassian's voice echoes throughout the chamber. All the servants slowly stand and slightly bow. I feel a light squeeze on my hand and look to see Ismena. She offers me a soft smile of comfort before standing with the rest of them to leave.

I feel a tinge of guilt. I was so occupied with my own feelings, I hadn't even realized Ismena was among the servants in here with me. I have only seen her twice since my return. After Cassian threw me in the dungeons and stripped me of my dignity, he only let his guards escort me to and from. A soft gasp escapes my lips and I feel my eyes watering as I watch her leave. I open my mouth wanting to ask her to stay. No, beg her. But I fight the urge. I can feel the eyes of the blood king on me.

"I will be leaving for a few days." I look up at Cassian's revelation. A knowing smile creeps onto his face.

"Caius will be joining me, so don't get any ideas," he says in irritation.

"While I'm gone, I expect you to be on your best behavior." He stops in front of me, and I raise my gaze looking him in the eye.

"What could I possibly do, Cassian?" I growl out.

"You've taken everything from me." I hold up my hands, letting the small flicker of ice release above my palms.

"You've even taken my power. Are you mocking me now?" I ask. He stares. And stares. And stares. Finally, his gaze narrows and he lowers his hand over mine covering my ice. I feel heat searing from his palm, and flinch in pain.

He places his hand under my chin, holding my gaze steady.

"I know what I've done. I'm ensuring you understand that there will be consequences for you once I return if you try anything," his voice is low, and steady. And I can hear the threat as if he spoke it aloud. A shiver runs up my spine, and I can see the monster lurking behind his gaze. I blink in shock, and realize that I am squeezing his palm from the surge of fear in my gut. He laughs, standing tall.

"Come. Walk me out," he says. He holds his arm out for me, and I slowly rise from my seat placing my hand in the crook of his arm. The doors open and we walk along the halls.

I take note of the guard's gazes as we pass by some. And I feel an ache in my chest. I recognize some.

Noam. Merek. Sabon. Fendrel. Carac.

I see some men that wiped my tears. Some that laughed with me. Some that gave me their meals. Some that helped me train.


"And, when he finally realized that she was the woman from the ball, he said, 'marry me.'"

I stare with wide eyes and tears as Merek finishes the story. I immediately throw my hands together and begin clapping in joy at the happy ending.

"That was amazing!" I shout. I hear some of the men around me groan and some murmur in appreciation that the story is over.

Sabon shoves Merek as he takes a seat next to him.

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