Chapter 18

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Am I foolish? I know this is stupid. I know that it doesn't guarantee anything. But as Cassian walks ahead of me, pulling my soaking body along to his bedroom, I don't feel any of the excitement that I was hoping to feel when it came time. I only feel fear.

Is it foolish for me to think that he will believe me, only because I agreed to his terms? He should believe me. He knows himself that I can't control these powers. He knows. And I know he knows. But he chooses to only believe me if I give myself to him. Why?

My mind is screaming at me that something about this is wrong. Something about this is so far twisted that I should be running and screaming for the doors. But another part of me feels that to survive, this is necessary. If say no to this, there's no telling what Cassian would do to me.

Cassian took my timid nod and unlocked my chains placing me in the bath. Once I was clean, he placed my hand in his and pulled me into his bedroom.

He walks ahead of me, the water that was on his body has already completely vanished. I'm assuming from his high body heat. Mine on the other hand is still drenched in water. He turns, taking a seat on the edge of the massive bed, his naked form giving me more intimidation than it ever has before.

His piercing red gaze floats up and down my body taking in my terrified form. He reaches out and I squeeze my eyes shut, a small squeal leaving my throat. I try and focus and recreate the feeling I had when I was in the river to give myself some form of protection against him, but I feel nothing. I'm pulled from my focus when I feel him push a stray hair behind my ear followed by a deep chuckle.

"Don't bother, Neytiri." He pushes my damp hair from my face.

His hand travels from behind my ear, to cup my face. I look at him with a wide and fearful gaze.

"Why...?" My voice comes out as a whisper. It's so quiet, I'm surprised he hears it. His smile drops from his face, and he pulls me in closer between his legs.

"Why," he repeats. It comes out as a statement more so than a question.

"Because I need you." He looks me directly in my eyes, his gaze is intense which scares me, but not more than his next sentence.

"Because, if you don't give yourself to me tonight then I fear due to my plans in the future, I will have to kill you," he says.

"And, I've come to like you over the months past." He smiles at me with his last sentence.

"I would hate to have to kill you. Especially since you displayed your hostile capabilities towards Caius," he says. He grabs ahold of my hand, bringing it to his lips. His gaze meets mine, and I see that hatred.

"There is no way I can let you live tonight after that." My knees nearly give out. Tears spring into my vision.

"That is, unless you honor your oath to me." He tilts his gaze, and I can hear the tone he used to use on me as a child. As if he's lecturing me.

"You saw what I did to your people. Don't let their fate be yours," he says. He continues to kiss my palm, and his kisses make their way up my arm, causing goosebumps to breakout over my skin as he reaches my throat. He places the softest kiss over my pulse.

"So..." He moves back so that he is in the center of the bed, all the while keeping his gaze locked to mine.

"What will it be, Ikniri?" he says with all the confidence in the world. In this moment, I try one last time to use my powers. But they are nowhere to be found. Not since he marked my shoulder that night.

He raises a brow at me. I take a pathetic step forward, lifting my leg to crawl on top of his bed, and make my way towards him. The orange glow of the fireplace casts an evil shadow over him, making him all the more terrifying.

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