Well I didnt get it but what I got were tears from him who raised his hands for me to carry him.

His fussing went on with him crying louder and louder and me trying to calm him but nothing and absolutely nothing helped.

I tried giving him oranges as he loved oranges and tangerines but he refused.

I tried giving him paracetamol for his fever but nothing was entering that mouth.

I was annoyed.

He didnt have fever anymore
He didnt want to talk to me.
I just didnt know what to do.

I really felt like crying and that was exactly what I did.

I let the tears flow as I was angry at myself for not knowing what to do and my pride that didn't let me call my mother for help.

For a moment he stopped crying become silent while looking at me.

Then as if he heard an alarm since that was what he hated or just a go sign he cried even louder and my frustration was building up to the point of me wanting to pull out my hair

Two hours passed with him crying and me not knowing what to do and as time went he calmed down slowly by slowly and fell asleep.

Happiness washed over me with a sigh of contentment
I sent a small prayer for thanks because he gave me hell  pulled me back and now he was asleep.

Carefully lifting him up where he slept on me I slowly stood up and walked to his room with him on my shoulder sleeping soundlessly.

My alarm rang with no remorse no pity and no mercy at all.

What was wrong with the thing!

I had slept at two in the morning while trying to calm down Cyril and at five I was up which meant that I only got three hours of sleep at night.

Rolling out of the bed I threw away the covers of the bed and zombie walked to the bathroom to do the usual morning routine and with the minutes I passed in that bathroom it made me look more human than how I woke up looking.

Going to check in cryil's room if he was okay
I found him sound asleep in his bed his skin looking more like him this time and I went to touch his forehead and neck and he seemed fine.

No fever and he was breathing nicely.

He still had almost two more hours for me to wake him up and with me being a person who showers for a whole twenty minutes and takes even longer to choose clothes I kept on a lesso with a tank top and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

When I was done making the scrambled eggs and toast with milk I finally made my way to my baby's room to wake him up.

As usual it didnt take long for him to wake up but the tantrum he threw was worth a show.

When I was done giving him a shower dressing him up and combing his hair even though he was going to spoil it in a matter of minutes anyways we made our way down to the kitchen with the almost cold breakfast and I made him sit with a cup of milk as I kept for him the eggs in the toast which was at a good temperature for him.

Not too hot not too cold.

At seven fifty I was done dropping him at school and I was sited in the office waiting for the man who spent the Saturday night with me.

What we did was completely unprofessional and I was trying to keep a good distance away from him.

At eight sharp I stood up and went to open the door giving him the files and asking if he had anything for me to do since nothing was sent on my laptop or computer.

The Tangled AssistantWhere stories live. Discover now