Chapter 7

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We sat in the police station in a dark room. Danny sat to the right of me and Glen and Mark on my left. Danny had told them what happened at the hospital whilst I was in the bathroom. An officer sat infront of us on the other side of the table. This is it. This is when everything comes out. I guess a care home is where i'm supposed to be. At least I wouldn't have to live with my Dad. 

"You say your Dad has beaten you over many years. Is this correct?" Officer Green asked. He held a thick notepad in his hands and chewed on the end of his pen. I sighed and nodded.


"May there be an explanation for these beatings? Or are they unexplained?" The words floated around my head for a few seconds as I tried to put together an answer. 

"N-no sir, I'm not sure why."

"Is your mother involved?" My breathing stopped. Mum. I blinked back the tears as I spoke

"My Mum is dead sir. She d-died when I was ten." The room turned silent. I watched as Officer Green scribbled notes onto his pad. 

"I'm terribly sorry to hear that. May I ask how she died?"

"Car accident."

"Do you have any other siblings?"

"I had a younger sister, Mackenzie, but she died with my Mum." I heart broke as I thought of my younger sister. She was the picture of my Mum, long blonde hair, blue eyes and her rosy pink cheeks. I had'nd thought of them in a while, but as the memories came back, the tears did too. I glanced over to my left where Mark and Glen were sat looking shocked. I suddenly felt a warm hand slip into mine. I looked over at Danny who gave me a sad smile and squeezed my hand. I looked back at Officer to hide my blushing cheeks. 

"When did the beating start?" Officer Green asked.

With Danny holding my hand I felt unexpectedly confident considering me giving out this information could get me killed by my own father. "Urmm, the day after the funeral. That's when he started drinking alot."

"So the beating was caused by him being drunk?"

"Yes. Whenever he was drunk he'd hit me. He thought it was me who caused the accident."

"Why did he think that?"

"I was in the accident myself. And being the only one to survive, he thought it was because of me."

"Oh I see. Well i'm afraid we're going to have to arrest him and send him to court which could lead to a possibility of him being put in jail. Meanwhile as you are under 18, you will have to live in a much safer place."

I started to panic. I don't want to live in a care home! What about Alex? I'll never see her again! "Your going to put me in care?!" I shook my head, tears falling down my face again.

"That is a possibility i'm afraid," Officer Green, calmly. I buried my face into my hands and cried. I've always been afraid of being put into care.

"However." The word made me glance up again and gave me some sort of hope of another option. "You could always stay with another relative or close friend as long as there is someone over the age of 18 in the household." I immediately thought of Alex but her mum is already tied up with 4 girls. I'm sure she wouldn't want another to look after. 

I sighed. "There's no-one I can think of."

"She could stay with us." A voice popped up out of nowhere. WAIT WHAT?! I looked over to where Danny was sat, completely forgetting he was here. 

"Yeah," Chipped in Mark. "We have  plenty of space."

"W-what!" I exclaimed. "I can't stay with you."

"Why not?" Glen asked. I started to panic.

"Because you have lives and jobs and... i'd being invading and-"

"It's fine. You'll be safe with us and it means you won't have to live in care!" I couldn't believe what they were saying. I don't even know their last names, why would I live with them? 

"Well, if Faye is agrees to it, I guess that would be fine." Officer Green said. My head was spinning. I would be a lot Dad would'nt know where I would be. And they do seem really nice. But they've done so much for me already...

"Well?" Officer Green asked. All eyes looked at me, anticipating my answer. I looked up at the guys. 

"If you sure it's okay with you?" I asked quietly, biting my lip.

"Sure it is," Mark smiled.

"Um..okay, thank you so much, I-I can't thank you enough for helping me out."

"Aw it's fine. babe," Danny said taking my hand again. Babe? Why does he keep calling me that?

"There is one more thing though...You will have to come with us to arrest your father." Officer Green explained. "And you will obviously need to get some things to take with you when you live with your friends." 

I felt as if i'd been stabbed all over again. I couldn't face my Dad. Not now. I just wiped the tears off my cheek and nodded. It was going to be a long night.

No Good In Goodbye (Danny O'Donoghue) COMPLETED Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon