Chapter 2

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My breath was heavy and my whole body was in pain. I sat in shock for a few minutes as I tried to take in what had happened. I couldn't hold my tears back any longer, loud sobs escaped my mouth as I trembled in the cold. I had no idea of what I was supposed to do. I felt completely helpless.

A loud noise which sounded like a door opening brought me back to reality, and I heard a voice from somewhere near

"Hello? Is anyone out here?". A soft Irish accent traveled down the dark ally. I stayed silent, unable to move. After a few moments, the voice spoke again. "I know someones out here...". Shit I thought. What do I do? I slowly got up onto my feet, pain rushing up my leg. I turned to walk in the opposite direction of the voice, but the pain was too much. I collapsed under all the pressure, letting put a painfull scream.

"Wait, i'm coming!" I heard the voice say. Echoing footsteps coming closer and closer. Maybe he won't see me. But as I thought this, the footsteps stopped and I felt someone standing over me. "Are you ok?" His accent made a warm shiver go through me. 

Great. I thought, rolling my eyes. I slowly lifted my head, and used my elbows to prop me up, and for the first time, saw who the voice belonged to. It was a guy, probably just a few older than I was. His dark hair styled into a quiff, his caramel eyes, flooding with concern, scanning my face. I felt my blood rise to my face as I blushed at his stunning looks. 

"Are you ok?' He asked again, sounding more panicky than before. I sat tongue-tied, my eyes filling up with tears as anxiety rose through me. Say something! You can't sit here in silence. What if he phones for police or something?!  "M-my fo-foot. I can't mo-move it", was all I managed to get out, but barely a whisper. 

"What happened?" The man asked.

"Um...there was a man...pu-pushed me against the wall...s-stole something from my bag," I whimpered, tears streaming down my face as I saw the flashbacks. The man looked shocked then looked at my foot.

"Oh, wow um", he said, looking over his shoulder. He looked back at me and gave me a soft smile. "I'm Danny by the way."

God, even his name is perfect!  I mentally slapped myself. "Faye", I replied. I was sure that he didn't hear me, but he obviously did.

"Pretty name, much better than mine', He smiled again, showing his perfect teeth. The way he smiled made his eyes sparkle. I stared at them, my heart beating faster. Only then I realised that I've been staring at him for a while. I tore my eyes away from his, looking down at my foot.

"Okay, do you think you can walk? We'll get you into the warm then check you over", Danny said sounding concerned.

"I'll try", I replied. I slowly sat up, and placed my hands on the floor to lift myself up. I got a few centimeters off the floor when a sharp pain struck through my right side. I gasped and fell back onto the floor, clutching my side. Somethings not right here. I probably have a broken rib or something knowing my luck. 

"It's okay", Danny reassured. "I'll help you out." I felt his arms snake around me as he effortlessly lifted me up. "You okay?" he asked again. I nodded and looked away from him. He started to walk towards an open door that I assumed he came out from.

No Good In Goodbye (Danny O'Donoghue) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now