Chapter 25

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"He should be ok to go home now," the nurse said, as Danny opened his eyes. "Just make sure he gets enough rest."

"Thanks," Mark replied, as she walked out of the room.

"I can go home now?" Danny asked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. His voice sounded croaky and warn out. I guess he won't be singing anytime soon. He looked around the room, his eyes barley open. "Where's Faye?"

I shot a worried look at Mark as he did the same to me.

"She's at home... she needed some rest," Mark replied, sounding uncertain.

But Danny just nodded. He looked so tired, he probably didn't even hear what Mark said. We helped him stand up, and supported him on either side as we walked out of the hospital and into a taxi.

Danny fell asleep as soon as he sat down, his head leaning against the window. I got in and sat down next to Mark, turning to him.

"Why did you tell him Faye was at home when she clearly isn't," I whispered.

"We can't tell him she's gone...not yet will break his heart," he replied.

"Well he's going to find out at some point. Don't you think he'll notice that his girlfriend no longer lives with us anymore?"

"He looks like he'll be asleep for the next 50 years, he won't notice anything," Mark mumbled.

I rolled my eyes at him and stared out the window. Once we got back home, we woke Danny up and helped him inside. He was still too weak to walk up the stairs, so we made him sleep on the sofa for the night.

"Can you get Faye?" He asked.

I looked at the floor unsure of what to say. I was about to speak when Mark interrupted me.

"She's probably sleeping. Wouldn't want to wake her up."

"But I haven't seen her in like a week," Danny sighed, looking at the floor. "I miss her."

We stayed silent. Neither me or Mark knew what to say. All I knew is that we had to tell him.

"Look, Danny...we have to tell you something. It's about Faye," I blurted out. Obviously Mark had different thoughts as he looked over at me, shaking his head.

'Not yet,' he mouthed. But it was too late.

"What? Why? What's wrong? Is she ok?" Danny asked quickly, looking worried. He seemed to be wide awake now.

I sighed. "We can't find her."

"W-what?" He stuttered. "What you mean?"

"The day after the accident, she told us she was going outside for some fresh air. But she never came back," I replied, looking down.

"You guys are joking right? Because if you are, it's not funny."

"We're not joking," Mark said. "We came home and found most of her stuff gone and her keys mailed back through the letter box. She left this."

Mark handed him the note that we found on the kitchen table.

"I'm sorry for everything," Danny read out loud. He shook his head. "No, no this can't be right," he whimpered, a single tear rolling down his cheek.

"We're so sorry," Mark added. "We tried looking for her, even trying to call her phone. But we can't get hold of her."

"Why did she leave?" Danny whispered, holding his head in his hands. Suddenly, he looked up at me, scowling. "This is your fault," he spat.

"What?" I replied, taken back. Why was he blaming for all this?

"You're the reason she ran away. You scared her by telling her you loved her-"

"That is not why she left," I interrupted. "I know I liked her. But nothing happened. Me telling her and trying to kiss her was a stupid mistake. But I'm not the reason she left."

"Guys, stop," Mark yelled over us. "You two shouting at each other is not going to find her any quicker. And Glen's right...its not his fault. If it was him that made her leave, why would she have waited 2 weeks after until she did?"

Silence filled the room once again as we stood looking at the floor.

"Sorry," Danny mumbled, before leaning back on the sofa and closing his eyes.

No Good In Goodbye (Danny O'Donoghue) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now