Chapter 4

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"Where the hell have you been?!" I winced at Alex's tone of voice. I hated people yelling at me. Although I should be used to it, living with my Dad that is. "I've been waiting for you for 2 hours." 

"Umm, I'm sick", I replied. I know it was a pathetic excuse but it was the first thing that came into mt head. I glanced over at Danny who was watching me with a confused face. I quickly turned around to look out of the window to wait for her response.

"Sick? You're sick and didn't even bother to tell me?" 

"I'm really sorry, I..I've been asleep."

"Yeah yeah okay, whatever. Why has your Dad not picked up the home phone when I tried to ring it earlier?"

"He's not in...He's out."


Probably out getting drunk like usual.

"Well?" Alex said, getting impatient.

"Um," I started to panic. I couldn't tell her about my Dad's drinking problem. "He's out....Getting medicine."

"Oh well, do you want me to come over and look after you while he's out?" Her voice seemed softer than before.

"No no it's fine. I would'nt want you to catch anything."

"Okay. Let me know if you need anything. Get better soon!"

"Thanks, bye." I hung up and sighed heavily. I wish she'd understand. But if I told her i'd been attacked in a ally and these three strangers were taking me to hospital, she'd flip out and tell police... then everything would be found out. I shook my head to release the thoughts. I was suddenly aware of the three guys sat in the same car as me, who had heard my conversation on the phone. I looked over at Danny who was still starring at me.

"Who was that?" he asked

"Oh um. Just a friend... That's all."

"Why did'nt you tell her the truth?" Glen asked from the front seat.

I started to panic again. "She um...worries a lot and urmm She'd...." I was running out of what to say. A wave of pain washed over me and I grabbed my right side to try and stop it. Danny noticed and placed a hand onto my shoulder to reassure me. I winced harder as his hand pressed onto the bruises. 

I looked back out of the window as we pulled into the hospital car park. It was going to be a long night.

No Good In Goodbye (Danny O'Donoghue) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now