Chapter 3

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The room we went into looked like a dressing room of some sort. A mirrored table sat against a wall, covered in various hair products, a small room off the the side which looked like a walk-in-wardrobe. Danny carefully placed my down onto a red sofa, and sat on the floor next to me. Where am I? Why does he want to help? No-one ever helps me so why him?

"Where does it hurt?" Danny asked. I pointed to my right side. "want me to have a look at it?"

I nodded keeping my focus on my hands. He carefully lifted up the side of my shirt to uncover a deep cut in the side of my stomach. "Looks like you need stitches" he said said. I sighed. Dad's gunna kill me.

His face got closer to mine as he examined what I guess was a cut on my forehead. His hair slightly brushing my forehead, his breath warm against my cheek. My heart started beating faster and faster as I looked down at his soft red lips, wondering what it would be like to feel them against mine...

The door swung opened and I sat up, snapping back into reality. Two voices appeared, also Irish like Danny's, which suddenly froze as I did.

"umm, everything ok Danny?" one of the voices asked, obviously talking about me. I hated being in center of attention. Does anyone else have to get involved...really? I listened to Danny as he explained what had happened. I felt someone kneel down next to me. I kept my head facing the other way.

"Hey", the person said. His voice was soft which made calm down a bit. "I'm Glen. You're Faye right?" I turned my head to face this Glen person. He had big blue eyes and black hair swept back into a small almost quiff.

My eyes filled as anxiety rushed over me again. I looked down giving a small nod.

"Okay soo, we'll take you to the hospital to get you checked over, then we can take you home." Home. Where he is. What's he going to say when he sees me? Will he hurt me even more like last time? All I could do was nod. "Thanks," I whispered.

"Great!" Glen rose from his kneeling position and offered me his hand to help me up. I stared at it for a while before I wearily took it. As he pulled me up I couldn't help but notice his arm muscles flexing. My cheeks turned a slight pink but I was able to cover it by letting out a small yelp of pain.

"It's ok, it's ok," Danny reassured. He came to one side of me, Glen on the other to help keep my balance. They helped me into the back of a silver car. Danny got in besides me, Glen in the front passenger seat and the other guy driving. He turned around showing a smile. "I'm Mark by the way!"

I smiled back at him. We started the 40 minute drive to the nearest hospital, Mark and Glen talking about different things leaving me and Danny sat quietly. I peered over at him. He was looking out of the window, staring out at the night. The street lamps lit this eyes up as they zoomed passed. As I looked at him, I couldn't help but stare at his perfectly defined cheekbones and structured jaw line. I didn't realise how long i'd been staring at him until I started shivering. Danny glanced over at me looking slightly worried.

"You okay, babe?" Babe? What? Where did that come from? "Faye?"

"Um...yeah I'm fine", I replied, snapping out of my thoughts. "Just a bit cold".

"Oh well, here". I watched as he removed his leather jacket and placed it over my shoulders. His hand brushed against my neck as he fixed the collar.


"Yeah thanks". I looked down at my feet, feeling embarrassed that these people had gone out of their way to help me.

"One question", Mark's voice came from the front. "What were you doing out in the ally's at night for anyway?"

Shit! I thought. Alex. She was expecting me at her's about 2 hours ago! What should I tell her?! What if she calls my Dad?!

"Umm...well...I just need to..ring someone" I managed to get out through my over whelming thoughts. I dug through my bag trying to find my battered Blackberry. I finally found it and saw I've received 3 missed calls and at least 8 text messages. All from Alex. "Nooo" I whispered to myself. Unfortunately the others heard.

"What's wrong?" Danny asked looking concerned.

"Umm..nothing just b...bad signal". I dialed Alex's number and waited for her to answer. What am I supposed to tell her?! I can't lie, the other will hear me. A angry voice pulled me from my thoughts.

No Good In Goodbye (Danny O'Donoghue) COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now