I hugged her again. I wanted my mum – not the monster-mum she was before, because she wanted what was best for me, even if she went about it in ways that were questionable. I loved her because she went through so much for me only to find an ungrateful bitch at the other end.

I was being hypocritical and selfish when I did that weed; despite it being for a new experience and morsel of fun, it wasn't right for me to do something as thoughtlessly stupid as that when the very same thing had nearly killed one of the people I loved most in the world.

Honestly, I was grateful that I was no longer that girl before with no backbone and sass to match her sarcastic thoughts; I was glad I'd grown into my own skin and learnt to accept who I was with  – if not a slight recklessness. I had changed; but in ways I was proud of, in ways I was happy about. I wasn't a different person – no-one ever changed who they were. Not really. But they developed and grew into themselves, into their own skin and character.

My mother's voice snapped me out of my trance. I hadn't realized I was smiling.

"You won't be smiling as much when your father finds out about this," she waved her hand around, "werewolf business."

My smile drooped. Olivia would immediately think Taylor Lautner, Tyler Posey or Tyler Hoechlin. Too bad they were nothing like those types of werewolves. My dad would think we were playing a practical joke and would probably faint too, just to keep the family tradition up.

"Also, mind you, April Evans, I don't agree with you speaking back to me the way you were before. Don't let that inflated attitude get in the way of your mind. Maybe..." she hesitated, teeth chewing on her lower lip. "Maybe Aiden can teach you a thing or two about that."


"Aiden, yes." She mused. "I don't particularly like the fact that he'd been doing drugs and alcohol for such a long time. But - but I also heard about his mother and suddenly, as a mother myself, it made me change my perspective. When you were in the hospital..."

"He was by your side those entire 6 months, April. He only left when he was literally forced to. He charmed a nurse - a male nurse," she added quickly, flashing me a knowing smile. "Into allowing him to stay longer. Me and your dad were so confused when we first arrived. We didn't know you even had a boyfriend let alone one as dedicated as Aiden. But we accepted it because he was quite clearly adamant about not leaving your side until your eyes opened."

She took a deep breath, carrying on. I was latching onto her every word, eyes widening with each one that revealed slightly more about my 6 comatose months. "I saw him drinking something that looked like alcohol once. Only once. No more than that. He gave up everything for you, not that we knew it at the time. I, your dad and Olivia were impressed but we were too focused on you to spend a lot of time talking to him. He seemed like such a good boy." She finished ambiguously, breathing in softly.

"But he's quit all of that now," I breathed, my eyes wide and hopeful.

She shot me an easy smile, suddenly the adult again, though now, it felt like it was a shared responsibility.

"I know. I was skeptical, but I believe it. Nina told me why you two had broken up since you were being so defensive about it," she was careful to keep her tone light. "But now I understand. He wouldn't have ever done that if it wasn't to keep you in his best intentions. He did it to protect you – because he loved you."

My jaw slackened slightly. My mother understood my 'love' life more than I did, I thought. "So you like him now?"

"I never disliked him." She scowled at me. "I just didn't trust him – because I didn't trust you. And because I never knew he existed until we stepped into the hospital." She admitted.

"That's good. Actually, that's great." My smile widened and then dropped. "Mum, it's all good you liking him and all but they all think I'm crazy."

She frowned. "Who?"

"My friends – everyone."

"You're being melodramatic," she snorted, "why do they think you're crazy?"

I did weed and not they think I'm an unstable, freakish girl who's going to fall off the rails if she doesn't hold on tight. "Oh, you know," I trailed off awkwardly, "things happened."

"You should talk to them," she shrugged, "or give them time to cool off and for yourself to cool off. I forgot what a temper you had; as a small child you were so calm, but then, once in a blue moon, all of your anger would bubble over. It was amusing at the time, but I suppose it's something scarier."

Stunned, my mouth fell open. "Everyone's talking about me like I'm some sort of axe-murderer. Like if you step on my shoes, I'll find you in the night and kill you."

"Am I monster?"

She shook her head. "I think you're just... hormonal. Are you on your time of month?" She sounded dead serious.

My mouth dropped in embarrassment. If any werewolf was listening into our conversation, I would die from embarrassment. "Mum!"

"What? Oh, can the werewolves hear?" She laughed. "Hey everyone, April might be PMS-ing right now so she's going to need a straitjacket before she goes Incredible Hulk on us all." She said loudly. I felt my stomach knot in embarrassment and I dropped my head into my hands, begging her to quieten down.

Then, I saw the funny side of the situation and laughed with her, still embarrassed. I stood up, heart soaring at the sound of my mother's laughter. Things were still going to be weird considering there was still so much about werewolves she didn't know yet and I would have to be the one to eventually answer. But that was for later.

For now, I had to convince my friends I wasn't psychologically ill or a descendant of the Hulk.

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