Temptations of the Heart

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He smiled at her nodding. She gave a soft smile back. As she turned to walk away on her shaky legs, he grabbed her hand. She flinched from the sudden movement.

It was just a natural reflex she picked up. Being in a state thousands of miles from home was scary. Especially where she ended up in the ghettos. He frowned at her releasing her quickly.

"I'm sorry I diddnt know your name." He apologized.

"It's ok." She spoke in her normal soft voice.

He reached into his pocket pulling out some cash. He pulled some money out of the wad and held put his hand. She looked at him confused.

"This is for the bill. Whatever is left I want you to keep." He smiled. She shook her head.

"No seriously...Consider it an apology for my friends here. Keep it." He spoke sincerely giving her an award winning smile.

"Thank you." She smiled.

She couldnt keep it in his smile was contagious. He grinned even bigger winking at her. She turned scurrying to the back placing the order. From there she hit the cash register.

Paying for the meal she was left with 500 dollars. She gave a silent thank you. Her lights were getting shut off tommorow if she diddnt pay today.

"Cookie." Her boss called. She turned shoving the money in her back pocket.

"Go home for the night. I got it here." He spoke. Cookie nodded taking of her waiters apron.

"And stop letting Jessie bully you. I've had a talk with her. Get home safely." He spoke.

She nodded again staying silent. She walked to the back grabbing her stuff heading out the back door. She begun her walk home. It was dark but not to dark. Plus her apartment was a 10 minute walk away.

A few hours later....

Cookie groaned as she grabbed her jacket heading out the door. She locked the door then headed down the stairs. She had left her phone at the diner. She had one of those phone cases that held cards so her ID was there as well. She couldnt pay her bill without it.

She sped walked to the diner. It was really late. The street lights illuminating the dark streets. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw her bosses car parked outside. She entered the back door seeing her phone on the table. She cursed picking it up. It was dead. No lights tommorow.

As she was about to ask her boss for a ride home she heard a grunt. It sounded painful. She crept quietly peeking her head out the swinging door. Her eyes widened when she saw the men from earlier roughing up her boss.

"L dosent like to be kept waiting. You had your choice. Now take the solution." A man shouted down at her bleeding boss.

Her boss looked up slowly, when his eyes saw her they bucked. As he went to mouth something to her, a shot rung out. She watched him slump forward. She gasped dropping her phone. It hit the ground loudly. The men snapped their heads to her.

Cookie diddnt wait to see what would happen next. She swivelled around jetting out the back door. Curses and shouts were heard coming from the dinner. She pushed hard. Her blood pumping quickly.

The thundering footsteps of the men hit the streets seconds later. She pushed even harder chanting don't look back. She took the back streets home. Hitting corners at high speed. Not a fumble in her step.

"The bitch is fast!" A man wheezed from behind her.

She heard the footsteps drop an octave. An idea popped in her head. Outrun them. It was about endurance. Thankfully she had alot of practice with this. As a cross country runner she could practically run forever.

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