four | the wasp nest

Start from the beginning

Somehow Minseok's words really hit home and I saw the man with the dragon tattoo in a different light. '' Look, I don't know what my... my.... my something's plans really are, but I can tell you mine. I want to defeat Python and his people. That's all. Erase some of the bad from this world. ''

I ended up telling the retired mafia leader and his friends about how Baekhyun survived his supposed murder. The policeman that pointed his gun at me seemed completely shocked, Bambam was grinning in excitement and Minseok's face stayed serious. I learned that the angry cop's name was Mino and just like that, three more people were added to the team.

Soon, Cobra will rise once again.

The plan was simple. We had to figure out a way to get Baekhyun's people out of jail, but we needed help. It was impossible to get a group of mafia men out of the police station where they were detained without backup. That was how I ended up sneaking in to that very place by myself to find the information about the ones that were supposed to help us. '' Why are we looking for a boss of a boxing club at a police station instead of all the boxing clubs in the city? ''

'' How about you take a pen and write the details of the plan on your hand or something? This is the last time that I am explaining it to you! '' the policeman Mino snapped back in response and rubbed his temples in frustration. He was sitting in the front of the car together with Bambam, while I was in the back and changing in to one of his old uniforms. He seemed tired and I could tell by the alcohol stench that was reeking off him, that he spent last night drinking until he dropped. 

Bambam, who probably did the exact same thing, was the exact opposite. He was as fresh as a flower, smiling bright and purposely trying to annoy Mino. They were the last people that I would ever expect to see as friends, but they met each other when the writer got in trouble with the law. Mino wasn't really interested in him, but Bambam was a persistent man, especially when it came to investigating and finding out information for a new book. 

'' I get it, I get it. Minseok has a really bad memory like I do, so he has no idea who this boxing guy really is, but... Is there really no other way? I get it that he was involved in a police investigation when he reported a dealer who was selling dope to his fighters, but... I have a small problem when it comes to detectives that are part of the narcotics police squad, '' I admitted and kicked Bambam's shoulder. He was stretching his neck and trying to catch a glimpse of me changing. '' Stop being a pervert. Me putting on a police uniform already feels wrong on so many levels. Why do I even have to wear this? Wouldn't it be better if I just ran in to the police station just as another crazy person? ''

Bambam chuckled in amusement and shook his head. '' Stop complaining, this is exactly how I am envisioning you as a character in my future books. I am planning to make you in to a crime scene investigator that goes by the name Lola Angel. You are going to be smart, funny, resourceful, sneaky and- ''

Our gazes met in the rear view mirror, I raised my foot and kick it to make it twist in to a direction that was pointing away from me. He stopped in the middle of his sentence at the sight of my bare leg, stretched out between the two front seats. I ignored his startled face and protested: '' Lola Angel? Isn't that more of a stripper name? ''

'' Y-You didn't let me finish, '' he continued and quickly collected himself again. His lips stretched out in to a bright smile and he happily added: '' You are also going to be kind of slutty. In my book you used to work as a stripper before you decided that you'd much rather dedicate your life to fighting crime in your crazily high heels. I'm good, aren't I? ''

He elbowed the serious faced Mino, who stared back at him in confusion. '' How did you even think about all of that while looking at this scarecrow? ''

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